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Deku POV

The world felt as cold as ice, as I slowly shook awake at the light overtaking my perfect vision.

The chilled feeling originated from my heart, as I realized my entire life was destroyed right before my eyes and I couldn't do a thing about it.

I growled lowly as I glared at my surroundings. The room was dark and chilly, with the walls made of cinderblocks which, by the odd design they had, were most likely quirk proof. There was a single door with quirk proof bars where you could see the outside.

Fancy, I sarcastically remarked within my head.

I was then reminded of my mother and my eyes became cold once again.


She seemed so happy to meet Ochako and even moreso Eri. But now she'll never get to see their faces again. She even made Eri a Deku onesie where she would be able to sleep in a costume that looked like her father in his hero suit.

She had been looking forward to giving Eri that..

But her life was needlessly taken away for some petty trick to take me out of the picture. And not only that but my so called classmates believed every second and now I'm classified as some villain.

Well, I'll have to address that with them later, I concluded distastefully.

As I began wallowing in my despair and anger, a man walked up to my cell. Judging by his outfit I assume he was a guard.

"Get up, it's time for role call." The man stated. He was very tall, maybe about 6'5 and he had blonde hair with dark eyes. He had bags under his eyes that showed his stress and possible lack of patience or interest in this job.

Honestly I couldn't blame him.

"Aren't you going to help me up? I'm a guest you know," I mocked with a slight smirk.

He looked me dead in the eyes. And then walked away.

Buzzkill. I grumbled as I got up and exited the cell he had opened beforehand and followed him.

He placed me in quirk proof handcuffs before leading me to his destination.

I walked down the hallways and saw all these different inmates who were also exiting their cells. They all looked incredibly dangerous and powerful, but I could sense they were nothing compared to me.

I could easily break out of this prison by force, but that wouldn't solve my problems.

I need to take down my enemies in one fell swoop. I'll need men for that. Maybe I can recruit some here.

Heroes, villains- at this point in time they are all the same. I will take out anyone who gets in the way of my plans.

I'm no longer going to be number one hero. I'm going to take over this world to show and exert my absolute dominance once and for all.

Only then, will I be satisfied.

Third Person POV

The inmates in other cells were going a different way than Deku was going. They talked of lunch, so it's assumed they were going to a cafe. That being said,

Where is he taking Deku?

"So," Deku began, hoping to wring some info out of him. "I hear-"




I-I didn't even say anything yet..

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