Deku vs. Class 1-A

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Third Person POV

"So what did you find out, Aizawa?" The figure asked.

"Well principal Nezu, I found out that he's not using his quirk whatsoever." Aizawa replied.

"I find that hard to believe. Are you sure it's not super speed or super strength?"

"I've already tried to erase his quirk but I couldn't, whether he had one or both of the quirks you just mentioned, I should've been able to erase it. He demolished everyone's scores except for the ball throw, but I know for a fact he was holding back." Aizawa said.

"Interesting...." Nezu said.

"What do you think we should do?" Aizawa asked.

"You're class was planning on doing hero basic training, correct?"

Aizawa nods in response.

"Cancel. I have a better idea....

Deku POV

~Midoriya Household 7:15 A.M.~

I walk in after an intense morning workout and I'm so tired and smelly. I know because I spot my mom and she doesn't even look at me, she just points in the direction of the shower. I sigh and head in. After the shower I go to eat breakfast and once I'm done I head for the door before I'm called.

"Ok honey! Have a nice day! And say hi to that new little girlfriend of yours~!"

I sigh and facepalm my self.

"Seriously mom!" I said.

"Relax! I'm just teasing." She replied

And Ochako wonders where I get it from....

"Although, I really want to meet her! You should bring her over sometime, maybe we can meet up with her family somewhere!" She suggested.

I quickly turn around and head out the door not before saying, "YeahIwillthinkaboutitbye!"

I fly to school, still tired.

I hope something too bad doesn't happen, I'm too tired to deal with any problems right now....

I land on school grounds and head I to the school. Once I reach the door I stop, I can sense an incredible amount of built up anger and fury. I sigh at this.


Nonetheless, I open the door and sure enough, a ticking time bomb to come rushing at me with his quirk fully activated. I rolled my eyes, and sidestepped as I watch the explosive blond fly himself into a wall. I shake my head in disappointment as the whole class erupts into laughter. This only makes the blonde more angry as he once again charges me with full powered of explosive punches that I simply catch with my two hands and restrict his arms to his sides. I sigh and walk away.

I'm too tired for this....

I hear the steam coming out of his ears, but I honestly couldn't care less. He tries attacking me again only for me to tilt my head in the opposite direction of his attacks.

*Sigh* right, left, left, right, down, annnnd chop.

I read him like a book and it swiftly turned around and chopped his neck instantly knocking him out. From an outside point of view all I did was spin around and he fell to the floor.

It's sad how he thinks he's entitled to greatness.... Yet got beaten by a twirling chop.

I get to my desk hoping to sleep, but once I sit in my desk, a certain rosy-cheeked beauty makes herself comfortable on my lap. I smile at her, and she miles back.

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