Training Camp Massacre

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Currently, a couple of students were occupying the forest of their camp. These students were Itsuka Kendo, Yui Kodai, and Juzo Honenuki. They were presently trying to complete a "test of courage".

Otherwise known as its other affiliation: scaring the living daylights out of their classmates.

"Your tactics for scaring that Bakugo and Todoroki were spot on Kodai!" Kendo praised.

Juzo nodded in agreement as Kodai internally blushed out of embarrassment.

"Well, it really wasn't that great," Kodai denied. "I don't even think they were really scar-"

Her futile attempt at deflecting praise was paused for a moment as she heard a deafening thump. She turned around to see their friend and classmate Juzo completely knocked out on the ground.

"W-What happened?" Kendo asked.

Before she or Yui could even begin to find an answer to that question, purple smoke started filling the place around them. Acting quickly, Kendo enlarged her hands to protect her classmate as well as herself and made a run for it. She escaped before the gas could spread too quickly in order to find help.

Where did that smoke even come from? Was it gas? Who's doing this? Kendo frantically inquired in her head.

Although, no matter how many questions she came up with, she gained no affiliated answers. While running, she managed to run into Tetsutetsu who was in a similar situation.

"Tetsutetsu!" Kendo cried out in glee. "I'm so glad you're here! We have to get out of here! This gas is dangerous; it knocked Juzo out instantly!"

"I hear ya Kendo," The boy acknowledged. "Shiozaki got knocked out too! It must be a villain, none of us have this kind of quirk. Here, take these masks I got from Yaoyorozu."

She took the masks for herself and Kodai and thanked Tetsutetsu.

"Now c'mon! We have to find them!" Tetsutetsu announced.

"Wait," Kendo shouted towards him. "We can't just go chasing after someone we're not even sure is there! We have to stay calm and think rationally about this."

"In poison gas? I don't think so!" Tetsutetsu rejected. "Look, we're heroes! If there's a villain on the loose then we have to act, no matter what! Monoma may be insane, but he has a valid point sometimes. We don't get as much attention as Class 1-A and it shows! They have already fought against villains when we haven't; this is our chance!"

Before she could refute, they started hearing a voice in each of their minds.

"Attention all heroes and trainees!" The voice called out.

"What?" Tetsutetsu asked aloud.

"Is that Mandalay?" Kendo inquired.

"Why would she call all of us right now? Does she know about the gas?" Kodai wondered.

"We are currently under attack by villains!" She announced. The girls gasped in shock as Tetsutetsu grit his teeth in anger. "Do not fret! We can handle this! We are all heroes and we will fight back this threat! I am now giving all students permission to fight back against the villains. Now go and protect this camp!"

That was all Tetsutetsu needed to hear before grinning in excitement!

"Just what I needed to hear!" Tetsutestu roared in exhilaration.

"She didn't say anything about the gas," Kendo noticed. "Maybe the gas hasn't reached her yet."

"Doesn't matter!" Tetsutetsu yelled as he ran off. "What does matter is we take down this villain."

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