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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face and I couldn't tell why. Maybe it's because today's the day I shut the angry pomeranian's mouth! I try to adjust my eyes to the sunlight coming through the window and once I do I notice an abnormal amount of pink in the room.

Must be a nightmare...

I then try and get up but I feel a weight on my chest.

Don't tell me I went to sleep with weighted clothes again!

I was given weighted clothes during my training to build up my body and strength. I was planning on giving Ochako some, but that will have to wait. I then look down to see a mess of brown hair and a girl to hold that head and I realize I'm in Ochako's room.

Nope not a nightmare, a dream!

I pinch myself and I'm apparently not dreaming and that only makes my smile bigger. I turn to look at the alarm clock.

~7:15 A.M.~

Hmmm.... 45 minutes until the day starts, I guess I missed my daily morning workout. I'll just work twice as hard later, maybe I can ask Ochako to join me? Yeah, then I'll make her do morning workouts too!

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Ochako starting to snore a little louder. I smile at this and gently try to wake her up.

"Hey, Ochako. It's time to get up." I said.

She slowly stirres awake yet her eyes remained closed and she starts holding onto me tighter.

"D-Deku.... 5 more minutes...... maybe 10." She says while slurring her words.

I sigh at this. I have no problem if she finds my chest comfortable, but we can't be late, and besides I need to get back to my place to get my uniform.

I was gonna wait to do this.... but I guess it will wake her up.

I then proceed to pluck a piece of her hair off of her head.

"OWW!" She said while immediately waking up and looking at me. "What was that for!?" She yelled.

"You wouldn't wake up." I nonchalantly replied.

She then glared at me as if to say 'you better have a better explanation' I get the message and explain.

"Ok look. You wouldn't wake up and besides I've been meaning to do this for a while now. If I take someone's DNA and burn it with the heat of my quirk, that person becomes immune to being burnt." I explained.

She softens her look and it morphs into one of surprise.

"Woah really! That's very useful." She says.

I gently take her off of me and proceed to stand up. While holding the hair in my hand it then goes up in smoke and a pink color flashed around me for a moment before I went back to normal.

"What was that?"

"That was my quirk reacting to your DNA." I replied.

"That's really cool!"

"Alright well I should go."

She tilts her head in confusion.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm still pretty new to this but I assume you don't want me showering with you." I reply.

She immediately turns red to which I laugh at.

"In all seriousness, my uniform is at my house and we have to get ready."

She nods as I turn to leave.

Izuku Midoriya: Ultra InstinctWhere stories live. Discover now