A Brand New Power

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"Well that was anticlimactic." Bakugo said with slumped shoulders while looking with slight concern at the two now unconscious bodies.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!!?" Ochako shouted in complete astonishment.

Deku turned around and eyed the two.

"What was what?" He asked in response.

"What do you mean what??"

I mean what."

"You know what!"


Ochako growled lowly at the games he was playing with her.

"I see no reason to be angry." Deku told the two.

"That was a cheap shot!" Sero yelled, finally finding a place in this conversation.

"Yeah! Momo was so sexy and scary that I couldn't decide what was more attractive! You should've lost! I know I would've!" Mineta yelled.

Disgusted by his words, Ochako was getting ready to make grape juice, but was stopped in her tracks.

Deku had launched from his spot and rushed forwards. He lit up his hand in energy as he flew towards the crowd and swiped it across the air, sending a blast of energy towards the entire class. This managed to create yet another explosion of power that made winds pick up once again.

The only ones not affected were Bakugo and Uraraka. No, that's not it. They were the only ones not targeted.

"No more distractions. This test is ending now." Deku stated as he turned around and faced the two he did not attack.

"You knocked them all out!?" Bakugo shouted.

"Wow. I didn't know Mineta hit a sensitive spot in your heart. Were you actually scared of Momo?" Ochako asked with a smug look on her face.

Deku swiped the air again, sending a quick attack that was practically invisible at Ochako. However, she just brushed that attack off like it was nothing.

"Do not test me. I have no need for your mind games." Deku told her.

"Besides, she would've been scarier with red hair."

The wind slowly picked up as the tension in the air rose up. They were at a final standoff and they knew it.

"It's finally time for this test to end. I've gone long enough dealing with all of your futile attempts at defeating me. If it's any consolation, I'll test them later. For now, you two will face me."

Bakugo hit his left palm with his right fist while making an explosion.

"Exactly the words I wanted to hear." He said with a wicked grin.

"It's finally my turn! I'll show you what I've got!" Ochako said while getting in a fighting stance.

They stayed in their fight ready positions for a little until they realized something.



"I HAVE TO WORK WITH HIM/HER!??" They each shouted while pointing at each other.

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