Final Exams

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"Stupid Ochako..." I muttered while rubbing my now red right cheek. "I should've known not to try and argue with a woman. You'll always lose."

I'm saying this because Ochako was the one that got to keep Eri after all. She's gonna be living together with us anyways, still, I wanted her to live with me now.

I guess it doesn't matter though. Payback will come soon enough. It's only a matter of how, and when.

I come to this conclusion while flying home from school after a day full of arguing gone wrong. We had also started Finals today, but the tests were the least of my problems at the time. The thing that made it hard to focus were the constant murderous glares I would receive from Ochako. Not to mention, Eri's constant giggling but that was just a bonus.

I ended up doing pretty well on the test so I'm not worried about failing. I'm more so worried about the practical exams, or, interested in the practical exams and what they're gonna bring.

As I get home I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I answer the call.

"Midoriya, we have a favor to ask."

"Mr. Aizawa? What is it?" I replied.

"It's about the practical..."

The Next Day

Oh this is gonna be good. So very, very good! You may be wondering why I am saying that. Well let's just say.... that call from yesterday was very enlightening.

I went to school with what had to be the most smug look I've ever wore on my face and everyone knew it.

I sat in my seat and waited for the bell with a smug smile on my face. As I was reminiscing about how much fun I could have, Ochako approached me.

"Hey Deku!" She said in a cheerful tone.

I stopped my reminiscing and turned to look at her with a small glare.

"Go away, Child Stealer." I dismissed her.

She seemed taken aback by this and pouted.

"Come on! You can't still be mad about that! Right?" She whined.

"What was that? Oh I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over the sound of you slapping me in the face." I replied.

"That's petty and you know it!" She complained.

However, I still crossed my arms and refused to listen to her.

"Come on! What do you want, a handshake? A high-five? A hug? A kiss?" She asked innocently.

I only glared again.

"Don't turn my words against me!" I shouted while pointing a finger at her while making a comical angry expression.

She smiled at seeing me in my childish ways and giggled a little.

"I'm sorry if I upset you Deku." She apologized with a soft smile. "I just really wanted the chance to be the best mom I could be. We're both new at this, so we got a little carried away, but, I promise to be better!" She finished.

I smiled at this as she pecked me on my lips and hugged me. "You really are amazing, Ochako."

She giggled at this as she let go and sat on my lap. It was silent for a while until she broke it.

"So I hear you know what the practical is gonna be about."

"Are you kidding me! Is that why you said all that?! To soften me up so you can drain me for details?? For shame, Ochako! For shame!!" I exclaim.

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