Chapter Two

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It's been two weeks since we started filming the pilot of "The Wilds" I've fallen madly in love with this script.

"Mia, Erana," One of our producers calls our names as we sat in the trailer with Sarah and Jenna. Erana looks to me and I stand up with her following behind me. "Are we in trouble," She whispers and I look to her and shrug as we walk outside of the trailer and into an empty one with our producer. "So, we want to run this over with you two before we decide to make it final but eventually we want to incorporate this idea into our show... We think Shelby and Toni should form an enemies to lover type relationship. Start off rough as you already know but end on a positive note with one another." The producer says and I look over to Erana who was focused on her hands. "We won't dive deep into your relationship this season maybe just a few kisses here and there. It'll draw attention to the show because there seems to be a lack of lesbian representation on tv, hence why we are so set on doing this. We think you both would be amazing people to represent that for us." She says and I nod and look over to Erana again who was still focused on her hands.

"I mean my character is already gay so it's really up to Mia whether she is comfortable with that or not. I'm open to doing whatever, it's just acting." She replies with a simple shrug of her shoulders and looks back and forth from the producer to me. I felt almost pressured into this conversation.

"Mia? What are you thinking?" She asks and I look to her with a smile. "That sounds perfect. I love working with Erana so why not. I agree about the lack of representation. I want to help be the change ya know." I try to play it cool and not let my nerves show. I'm not really sure how well I did.

"Agreed," Erana says and the producer nods. "That's all I needed to go over with you two. Thank you," She says and stands up allowing us to leave the trailer.

I open up the door and Erana follows behind me. We walk down the set of trailers going back to one of the crew trailers which we had been in before. Randomly I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me into a different direction.

I look to see Erana opening up a trailer door and pulling me inside. She closes the door and I almost choke on my own breathing, per usual. She has a way of making me very nervous at times.

"Mia," She says and I take some steps back and run into the counter putting both my hands at each side of me staring at Erana nervously. "Mia stop looking so scared," She mumbles and grabs my wrist again pulling me down to sit beside her on the couch that was up against the wall.

"I just want to make sure you really are okay with what she said," she says and I release my breath, I didn't even realize I was holding, knowing she wasn't mad at me.

"Yes Erana, why wouldn't I be," I say almost questioning my own words and I know she could tell. "I don't know, you can tell them no," She says and I look away and back at her. "No I want to well I mean like I'm okay with doing it" I stutter and then just shut myself up. She laughs a little and looks at me directly in the eyes. "You sure?" she asks and I take a breath before nodding. "I'm sure," I say quietly and she grabs my hand. "We got this okay?" She assured me and I look down at her hand and feel my heart settle. "I know we do," I smile and we remain still for a few seconds before the door opens and we both jump away from each other.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize anyone was in here," Helena says and we both stand up. "Oh no it's all yours, we're just leaving anyways," Erana says and I follow her lead.

I immediately miss the feeling of her hand against mine. It's like she was magic or something. She had so much power over me..

After filming a few more scenes the day had ended and we found ourselves back at the hotel room, like every other night.

"Erana," I say quietly. We had already said goodnight and turned off lights at this point. "Mia," She whispers back and I hear her shift in her bed. "Miaaaaa" She says again. I hadn't realized I let time slip away without saying anything. "Never mind," I whisper and look around trying to clear my head. "No say it,"she replies and I sit up in bed turning my body to her although the only light we had was the lights from outside the hotel. "Can I have piglet tonight?" I ask and immediately regret it because I sounded so stupid. "What," she laughs and I lay back down. "Mia" She says but I decide to remain silence. Maybe if I just ignore her she'll forget what I asked.

I was wrong.. I heard movement and then felt movement. "Are you okay?" she whispers from beside me and I turn to look at her not sure of how to answer her question. I mean I'm fine I just miss being held. "I can't sleep without piglet but if you want to share I'm not saying no.." She says and I nod. She climbs under my blankets and hands me her stuffed animal and I cling to it inhaling her sent like it was fresh air.

"So are you gonna tell me why you're so needy tonight or just gonna leave me to wonder?" She asks and I turn my back to face her stealing away her comfort object. "I just miss my boyfriend," I say and for some reason it felt like a lie, although I didn't want it to be. It felt like I just said it so she'd stop questioning me because I'm not even sure why I am extra needy tonight. "I miss being held," I add but this time, I knew it was true. A part of me wanted to give her back Piglet and ask for her to be my comfort but I couldn't.

"Me too," she whispers and I feel almost upset. "You never told me you had a boyfriend," I say and turn to face her again. She was laying on her back, one arm behind her head and the other under the blanket. She looked over to me with a smile. "Oh no no" She laughs, "I don't have a boyfriend but I do miss the feeling of being comforted by another person. I think almost everyone on this set can relate to that. Even though it's only been what three weeks since we've been away from our people, still sucks," She mumbles and I look at her with puppy dog eyes. I can make out some of her facial features but other than that, it was super dark. "You're starting to become like my person," I mumble out of pure honesty and regretted it because it sounded a little more intimate than I was intending. "Really?" She asks and looks over to me. Yet again, I'm speechless.

"You're becoming my person too," She says and then looks up at the ceiling closing her eyes. "Goodnight Mia," She says and I fail to say it back. I focused on the small details about her like her freckles and the way she only had one loose eyebrow hair on her right side of her face. I'm not sure how long I was staring but it was enough time for her to fall asleep. I could tell she was sleeping because her breathing got heavier and she twitched every so often.

I felt like a high schooler again, being drawn to my crush. I felt myself growing closer and closer to her or maybe she was getting closer to me, either way, I didn't want it to stop.

She went to move and her knee goes into my stomach causing me to jump a little and her to wake up, I think. It really didn't hurt at all. "I'm sorry," she slurs and turns on her side placing her hand on my stomach where she had previously hit me with her knee. Goosebumps immediately crawl through every bit of my skin and I find myself stuck in that position, laying on my back for god knows how long before I fell asleep. The feeling of her hand had comforted me, even though it made me sick to my stomach with butterflies.

I wake up before the alarm and Erana's face was about two inches away from mine. I didn't want to wake her so I stayed still and quickly realized not only was her hand on my bare skin under my tank top but her leg was overtop of mine. It was only a few minutes before the alarm caused her to jump off of me and her immediate reaction was to slam it to shut it up.

"God that thing is so loud," She groans and gets out of bed walking into the bathroom.

I laid in silence, hoping that whatever last night was, didn't mean anything to her. I was hoping that she did not feel whatever I felt.

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