Chapter Thirty

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Erana's POV

I wake up with the sun, feeling my body being held onto by another.

I take a deep breath and look down to see the blonde hair spread across my chest as Mia cuddled into my stomach.

I reach above me to stretch before I yawn tiredly. Today was my last morning spent with Mia.. For awhile at least.

I'm not sure how long I'll have to wait to see her again but, way too long for my liking.

I lay my hand on her head and begin to play with her hair drifting into my thoughts.

I wish I would allow myself to be with this girl. It's like anytime she gets too close I get a gut feeling to push her away and maybe that's just the butterflies I'm mistaking as instinct but either way, it makes me miserable. Hurting Mia is the last thing I ever wanted to or would ever plan to do to her.

I'm not really talking to anyone.. Shit I haven't even texted back the girl I went on a few dates with a while back.. I don't think I'm necessarily a lesbian or even bisexual, at this point I have no clue what I am.

My feelings for Mia have only grown stronger, the only reason I don't get angry seeing her and Brody together is because I know she's only doing it to make me jealous. Granted, I often grit my teeth when he gets too close or pull Mia away but other than that, I try to remain as lowkey as possible.

To think I'm more jealous of Sarah than Brody.. I've seen the way Sarah looks at Mia or how they blatantly flirt in front of me. But I'm not too sure if they're even doing it to make me jealous, that's probably why it bothers me so much.

I feel Mia's head shift as she wakes up tiredly looking up at me with her green eyes.

"Morning," She tiredly says and it causes me to smile.

"Good morning," I reply quietly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What time is it," She squints sitting up and stretching as she yawns aloud.

"Uhh," I begin and grab my phone from the nightstand, "Seven O' two," I tell her and she inhales and falls back onto the bed.

"Your flight leaves at two right?" She asks and I nod pulling her body into mine.

"We've got that breakfast to go too," I remind her and she groans.

"I wish I could just stay here with you.. Forever," She says quietly and I smile at her words without replying.

We eventually pull ourselves out of bed and I head to my room to get changed.

The girl who I claimed I was talking to, is completely just a friend. I guess I wanted to see how Mia would react and well.. She reacted that's for sure.

After I take a quick shower I grab onto a cute jumper I had worn a couple times before and throw it over my head.

I usually don't take long to get ready, I was ready by Eight and Mia met me by the door almost a half an hour later pulling her two suitcases full of belongings.

Mia had her hair in a high pony tail and her purple shirt with some jeans on. She looked absolutely adorable and I wish I had the guts to tell her that this morning.

She sets them by the door and we head out to go to Sarah's place for breakfast.

"I can't believe we're really leaving today..." She says and I look over to her with a sad smile.

"Yeah I mean granted I couldn't spend another second with you-"

She cuts me off by shoving me as we both laugh.

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