Chapter Twenty Six

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"And I will always love you," Erana sings into the microphone with Helena both of them pointing at me.

We have been singing karaoke for awhile now, the sun was actually starting to come up.

They finished their song and I sang one with Sarah.

Tonight has been the best night I think I've had with the girls this entire time we've been here. We were all so happy and carefree knowing we have little to no responsibilities now that we're wrapped.

I ended up passing out on the couch mid karaoke sesh but was woken up by Sarah.

"Hey pretty lady, everyone's heading out you wanna stay or go back? You can sleep in my bed if you want," She says rubbing my shoulder to wake me up.

I wake up and look around all I could see was Erana and Shannon laughing at something but the rest of the girls had clearly left.

"I- I think I'm fine..." I mumble confused as to how I even fell asleep.

"Well I won't mess with your beauty sleep then, I'm in my room if you need me," She says tucking me in and walking over to Erana and Shannon.

I dose off before she even got over to them.

"Rise and Shine!"

I'm woken up by shouting clearly coming from Sarah and I squint my eyes, the sun was way too bright for my liking.

"And so she's alive!" Sophia says.

All the girls were already here and dressed and I was still asleep on the couch.

I crease my eyebrows throwing the blanket off of me and standing up. I rubbed my forehead and shook my head.

"I'm just confused as to why no one woke me sooner," I say walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water.

"Didn't want to, you looked way to peaceful," Sarah says and rubs my back.

"Where's Erana?" I ask looking around noticing she's not here.

"Most likely still sleeping too. Tried to call her but it went to voicemail," Jenna says and I nod looking down at my phone.

I read the time and realize I slept until 2:03pm.

"Oh god I have plans at three," I say walking over to the door.

"And what might those be?" Reign asks.

"I'm sky diving with Erana," I say and they all laugh shocked at what I had just said.

"Sky diving?" Helena says taking a sip of her coffee. "Well bungee jumping but same thing.." I correct myself. "Now that takes balls," She laughs and everyone agrees.

"Well if we make it on time..." I say and grab my set of keys from the side table by the door and rush out without even saying goodbye.

My mind was set on making it there on time.

I open up my door and close it behind me taking off my shoes and rushing to Eranas bedroom.

"Wake up! Bitch we have to sky dive in 40!" I say shoving her. She abruptly wakes up and looks to me scared.

"Bro why do aggressive?" She groans and yawns.

"We're not gonna be late chop chop!" I say and rush to my room. I grab a quick shower and then change my clothes.

Thank god Erana listened and got ready when I did.

We ended up leaving the house at around 2:45 and it took 17 minutes to get there.

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