Chapter Twenty One

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Today's the beginning of the end. It's our last week filming and I can't tell if I'm super excited or extremely depressed.

The tension between Erana and I has settled a bit. We're still kinda avoiding each other but we're talking which is good, I think.

"You know Brody is totally into you," Sarah says as we walk to our filming location of the day. We had a scene to film in the woods.

"What? No way," I say looking over to her before looking down and laughing. "Oh Mia baby girl, I know your still you know healing but come on you must be blind to not see it," She tells me and I think about it.

I know Brody is definitely into me but I never really thought about doing anything about it obviously. Now that I'm free to do whatever.. Maybe I will.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" Erana comes and I look over to her.

Sarah walks ahead and I shake my head towards her fleeing the scene. "Oh nothing.." I say and smile over to her avoiding looking into her eyes.

"Didn't seem like nothing," She mentions through a smile and I roll my eyes throwing my arm around her as we walked.

I smile and look over to her. "Wouldn't you love to know," I say and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"Kinda would yeah," She replies and I laugh to myself removing my arm

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"Kinda would yeah," She replies and I laugh to myself removing my arm.

I watch as Erana walks ahead to probably go force it out of Sarah.

I know Sarah wouldn't dare to say what she had said to me.. Instead she said something even worse.

I walk ahead catching up to the two to find out what was being said. "Oh Mia, I was just inviting Erana over to my place. Brody is gonna come too," She says and widen my eyes at her words.

"What's that look for?" Erana asks and I wipe it away with a smile. "Oh nothing it's gonna be so much fun," I lie and completely overdramatize the whole thing.

Of course the one day I wanted work to go by slow it went by in the blink of an eye.

We only have four more days of filming..

"I cannot believe you invited Erana tonight after what you told me about Brody," I say as Sarah and I walk into our condos. The sun was just now setting and it was beautiful outside.

"Oh relax thought I'd just spice it up besides, Erana loves Brody so it should be just fine!" She replies looking over to me knowingly before opening up her door and winking before closing it.

I look ahead and notice Erana just now opening up our door. I rush to her before she shut it and slip right in behind her.

"Oh hey I didn't see you there," She mumbles a little startled by my sudden appearance. "I was behind talking to Sarah," I tell her and slide off my shoes pulling down my bun letting my hair fall for the first time today.

"Do you know what time we're supposed to head over there?" She asks and I put a bobby pin in my mouth trying to find the other one that was lost in my hair.

"No clue," I respond as soon as I found the bobby pin and take the other one out of my mouth.

"I'll just shoot her a text then," She tells me and I nod before going to my room to get changed into something a little more.. presentable.

I decide on my stripped pants with a cute top and some sandals. I grab my straightener and turn it on before putting on some makeup.

"Sarah said to be there in 30," Erana mentions from my door way and I look over to her as I straightened a piece of my hair.

"Oh I didn't know we were like dressing up," She mumbles surprised I was looking so cute.

"I always dress up," I remind her and she pulls her eyes away from me. I could tell she wanted to compliment me but instead she nodded.

"I guess I will too then," She says and I smile to myself once she walks away.

I love that she's only dressing up because of me.. I'm not sure why maybe it makes me feel like in some ways I still have some control over her.

We make our way to Sarah's condo and I spot Brody around the counter laughing with her.

"Welcome welcome party crashers!" He says coming around to us and hugging me first tightly his arms around my neck making me feel small but yet so big.

I hear Erana clear her voice and we both turn to her. "No hug for me?" She asks and Brody laughs pulling her into a side hug still holding onto me. Erana crashes into me and I kinda just ignore the chills that covered my body with the simple touch of her skin.

"Let's go eat?" Erana asks and we all head to the balcony. Sarah had prepared us dinner so it was already set.

"Looks delicious Sarah," I say with a smile and she returns one.

I sit on the two person couch expecting Erana to sit beside me but when I feel the weight being added to the couch I look over to see Brody beside me.

"Hey there," He says and squeezes my leg. I smile over to him and then grab my drink crossing my legs.

"Now the real party crashed is here!" Shannon says sliding open the door and we all laugh.

"Where have you been hiding?" Erana asks taking a bite of the bread she had on her plate. "Oh no where.. Smile!" She says snapping a picture of us.

She always captures all of our memories and I'm so glad she does..

"Come.. sit!" Sarah insists and Shannon pulls over the chair sitting around the table with us.

"So how's everyone doing?" She asks almost sarcastically. "Wonderful," Brody replies to her with a smile.

He is super cute.. I didn't really even realize considering i've been so hooked on Erana. Maybe I should try to get with him. Worst comes to worst I break his heart... considering you can't break what's already broken, he won't be able to hurt me.

"So I'm gonna address this white elephant around the table," Sarah says clapping her hands together looking at Erana and then between Brody and I.

I look over to Brody and back to Sarah nervous of what she was about to say.

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