12- new student

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no one pov

"holy shit. i like taehyung."

jungkook spoke aloud to no one but himself and the darkness around him. the male blinked confused at his own words. things like 'did that really just come out of my mouth' and 'did i really say that' ran through his head.

the raven haired male couldnt take anymore of this. he ruffled his long-ish hair, brushing it back, out of his eyes, with his hand. he scratched his bare neck confused. he really didnt want to have to contemplate his sexuality all of a sudden. but i guess it was happening, he though before laying back on his pillow.

the male tried to fall asleep as soon as possible. attempting to stop any thought about taehyungs sweet smile out of his head.

and thankfully, he fell asleep soon enough. drifting to dream land.

(tae focus)

taehyung scurried to get ready quickly before jungkook arrived to pick him up. throwing on a basic white t-shirt and jeans. grabbing a poptart, as usual. he sighed lightly, catching his breath after he had his bag together.

he really should get up earlier, but sleep was a must for him. and waking up early was not his thing.

suddenly, he heard his phone go off. a loving-blushy smile showing up on his face when he read the message he just received.

kookie 💜: im here

yes. a simple two words from the older could get taehyungs a blushing mess. the younger typed a quick 'im coming down now.' before running out the door. the smile never leaving his face as he made his way to jungkooks car.

"hi kookie." tae waved as he got in the car. the older stared at the happy taehyung. his eyes subconsciously traveling around the boys face, his fluffy hair, his smile..his body...-

"kookie?" tae asked confused at jungkooks lack of response. snapping jungkook out of his daze. "o-oh.. hey tae." he gave his best smile. still very conflicted at his own thoughts. taehyung smiled back, naive to the debate going on in jungkooks head.

"so..can we go now?" tae asked, seeing as jungkook didnt start the car. "oh..right." jungkook said quickly, starting his car and starting to drive off. taehyung let out a small giggle at jungkooks slow reactions today. he found it silly.

infact, the younger was happy he could do certain things around jungkook he couldnt around others- well from the exception of jimin. like giggling, something that was thought to be 'feminine' or 'girly'. which made no sense what so ever, but i guess he just lived in a world with very uneducated people.

"so..music?" tae asked. jungkook nodded, giving a subtle glace to the other. catching his side profile. quickly looking back at the road, as he found himself want to go into detail about the youngers features. he felt his ears redden at his thoughts for the nth time today.

when the two arrived at school, they parked and walked in. as the two did so, they heard their schoolmates whispering, and talking in hushed voices. taehyung grew very curious, because usually people were talking like 'inside voices' were never a thing.

suddenly he felt very subconscious. even though he knew he didnt have to. he had that feeling that everyone gets when they think others are talking about them, even though they werent. walking confused, yet silently beside jungkook until they reached their friends.

"hey guys." jungkook waved, composing himself finally. "oh hey kook." they greeted, hobi giving him a short 'bro-shake'. "hi taetae!" jimin waved. tae smiled. "hi minn- jimin." he waved back.

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