37- surprise

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no one pov

about two months have past since taehyung and jungkook's first time. And even until now, taehyung couldnt get it out of his head. blushing everytime he thought about it, even for a second.

and of course.. he told jimin. i mean- he had to. the older boy freaked when taehyung told him. still teasing him every day, laughing every time tae started to hit him with a flushed pink face.

it was now a week away from homecoming. and taehyung was excited but also grateful. now, it seemed to be anyone would ever talk about.. meaning there werent as many stares and whispers about him.

i mean, there were flyers in every hall. announcements and reminders seemed to happen every class period. most of the girls gossiping and talking about what they should wear. and even some of the couples asking eachother in the lunch room with posters and cringy acts of cuteness.

currently, taehyung was in jimins room. both spending the friday afternoon together. taehyung was laying on jimins bed, playing with a strip of his fluffy hair. his eyes crossed slightly to look at it.

he had something on his mind the past couple of days. ironically, the same thing many of the girls in his class had been talking about non stop... what would he wear to homecoming?

the young boy looked to jimin who was humming to himself as he scrolled on his phone, eating oreos as usual. 

taehyung sighed lightly, sitting up, criss cross on the bed. "minnie?" tae spoke up. catching jimins attention. "huh? what?" jimin asked, looking at the younger. taehyung looked down at his lap shortly. stuttering slightly.

"..what are you wearing to homecoming?..."

taehyung asked quietly. jimin looked at the boy. his face turning a light shade of pink. he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"um.. i dont know.. i havent really thought about it."

jimin said, biting his lip. looking away nervously. taehyung only nodded, making the older look back at him. 

"why? have you?" jimin asked, making tae snap his head up. then looking away just as fast. he shrugged his shoulders a little. "um.. i was sorta thinking that i would...." taehyung said drifting off, before looking at jimin again.

"...to wear something pretty..."

taehyung said trying to sound confident, but it came out shy. as soon as he spoke jimins eyes widened and he gasped. "really?" he asked. tae only shrugged with a small nod.

"like-." jimin said, tae only nodded knowing what the older meant. tae looked at jimin with his cute bambi eyes.

"um..but... im scared. s-so i was wondering if.. you wanted t-to wear something.. with me-"

taehyung tried to speak, but couldnt finish as jimin squealed happily and jumped to taehyung and tackled him in a hug.

"ah! jimin!." tae said being squeezed in a hug. jimin only giggled and pulled away. smiling his big mochi smile. taehyung watched confused as jimin hurried to his closet and pulled out two outfits that were hung from hangers.

as jimin turned around taehyung gasped and his eyes widened. jimins big smile quickly turned to a nervous face as he panicked.

"i-im sorry! well you see- i sorta lied. i actually been thinking about this for a while! but i didnt want to say anything cause i didnt want to pressure you! oh goodness, your mad arent you! i-im sorry. i- just.. a-and you probably wanted to pick your own outfit! im sorry, i just thought it would look so good on you! s-so i bought it- oh! im so sorry. i ruined it didnt i? i um- "

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