3- weekend plans

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no one pov

taehyung couldnt wipe the smile off his face as he laid in his plain bedroom. under his basic grey/white sheets, staring at the ceiling. all the young boy could think about was his time today with jimin...something other than jungkook..for once.

i mean, sure. all the two did was watch disney movies while eating jimins entire cabinet of snack food while they ranted about random things (if they werent crying over tadashis death from 'big hero six'). 

still, taehyung had never had someone to do any of those things with. sure he had friends to watch movies with. but they would either tell taehyung that they were "tOo oLd fOr DisNeY mOviEs"...or they were just boring straight boys. no one wants to watch disney movies with a straight boy..its just not fun (from taehyungs experience at least).

taehyung was happy he had someone now. someone who he could go when he was having struggles with his life. of course he had his best friend...but sometimes he was the problem.

as taehyung giggled silently to himself he heard his phone go off from a text. quickly he grabbed the device seeing who it was.

a smile appearing on his face quickly as he saw the id pop up.

kookie: hey tae

tae: hi

kookie: so like, where tf did you go with jimin cause yall werent at school for the rest of the day after you left??

tae: oh right. we just hung out, i didnt feel like going back to school lol

kookie: yeh but like...education??

tae: shUsh. i deserve to livE.

kookie: ok..calm down. well ok then...but ur coming tomorrow right?

tae: yeh. obviously.

kookie: damn. stop bullying me. i feel attacked.

tae: lol whatever you say 😗

kookie: 🙃🙂🙃

tae: .....should i be scared??

kookie: idk 🙂

tae:..sounds sus but oK.

kookie: lmao. anywayss u should sleep cause ur gonna have lots of homework tomorrow since you sKipPed. so sleep.

tae: so demanding..

tae: but wait..u didnt do my extra homework for me🥺

kookie: no.

tae: 🥺🥺

kookie: ....

tae: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

kookie: ... *le sigh*  its already in my bag😒

tae: yeeyyyyyyyy! thankyou~~~~

kookie: i hate you😑

tae: no you dont. ✌️

kookie: whatever. go to sleep.

tae: fine fine. goodnight

kookie: goodnight tae

taehyung giggled with a large boxy smile as he stared at his phone screen. rolling over in a comfortable position as he finished texting the older boy. even if he didnt have a chance with dating jungkook, he was happy they could atleast be best friends. and could share everything with eachother...well almost everything.

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