38- get ready

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no one pov

taehyung was literally almost hyperventilating.

it was the day of the dance. and he just waved goodbye to jungkook, as the older dropped him off at jimins to get ready.

flash back

"hmm... i'll see you later, ok?" jungkook said against taehyungs lips, talking in a husky voice. taehyung was already blushing but nodded.

"ok kookie." he said unbuckling his seat belt. "i'll see you later." taehyung smiled softly before planting one last kiss on jungkooks lips.

jungkook chuckled softly at the cute boy, watching as he got out of the car.

"wait. what are you wearing?" jungkook asked confused. taehyung hadnt told him yet, and of course he was curious.

taehyung looked at the older. "its a secret! gotta go. i'll text you laterrr~~! byeeeee!" taehyung said runnign away from the car cutely.

jungkook watched the boy chuckling. a bunny smile on his face as the younger ran away.

end of flashback

"deep breaths taehyung..deep..breaths.." tae mumbled to himself, walking up the stairs. soon arriving at jimins, already hearing blasting 1D songs from inside.

he sighed, pounding on the door for the older to hear. waiting until the door flew open, revealing jimin with a big smile on. "hi taetae! lili just got here." jimin smiled as tae walked in.

taehyung nodded shortly, his nerves were running wild. the fears he had been able to block the past few days were suddenly poured all on him at once.

"are you ok?" jimin asked. tae looked at him. "uhu.." he spoke before walking to the room. met with lisa who was brushing her hair.

"hi tae!" she greeted. taehyung smiled. "hey." he waved, putting his bag down.

"alright. first makeup. then hair. then get dressed." jimin told the other two. both lisa and taehyung nodded. 'alright so, whos going first?" jimin questioned.

"lisa can go." taehyung said, sitting down. jimin nodded, knowing the younger boy was much more scared to do this than him. "ok. come on lili." jimin said pushing lisa down to the chair. to which the girl nodded, getting situated for jimin to do her makeup.

jimin started working on lisas face. he wanted it to be basic, but also bold. i mean it had to be. he made sure she would look amazing. he had no doubt she had a chance at winning homecoming queen. so he would do his best to make her look the best.

as jimin was almost finished with lisas makeup, taehyung played with his fingers. thinking about all the things that could go wrong. he tried to think positive. he really did. but he just couldnt help it. he was scared. really scared.

"and done!" jimin said happily, cutting off taehyungs depressing thoughts. his head snapping up to look at lisa. his lips curling into a smile at the girl.

"is it good?" she asked. jimin rolled his eyes. "of course its good. i did it." he joked. lisa rolled her eyes back but ran to the mirror to see.

she gasped lightly when she saw her face. "its so good!!" she gushed. jimin giggled. "told you so." he teased. lisa rolled her eyes playfully at the boy.

"ok ok. go do your hair, while i do taetaes makeup." jimin said grabbing taehyungs hand and sitting him in the chair. lisa nodded, grabbing her hair products and straightener.

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