33- 'that'

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taehyung giggled slightly as he fell back on jimins bed. it was the day after jungkook asked him to homecoming and the excited feeling was still very dominant in his body.  it only made it better that today he got to hang out with jimin and lisa.

jimin was still in his grey sweat pants and big baby blue shirt, his silver hair fluffy. and his glasses placed on his bare face.

taehyung was also in comfortable sweat pants, and the hoodie jungkook had let him keep. it always made him feel better. and what better time to wear it, then now. when he was already as happy as ever.

lisa was in a comfortable shirt and shorts. her hair in a messy bun, as she sat criss cross apple sauce next to taes laid down body.

"i love your room!" lisa said making jimin flush slightly. "thankyou." he giggled, sitting on his chair. tae looked up to look at his soulmate.

"minnie can i use your clothes?" he asked, wanting to change. jimin nodded with out hesitation. making tae spring up with a small "thankyou~." running to the closet and throwing some things on the bed.

suddenly lisa gasped, picking up the skirt tae had selected. quickly tae and jimin looked at the girl. their eyes widening when they saw her holding the skirt. sure, she knew they were gay. but they didnt know if she was also ok with cross dressing. they hadnt mentioned it to her yet.

"i have this skirt too!"

lisa then said excited. tae and jimin looked at her. their nervous faces quickly fading out as they smiled. "really?.." jimin asked a little shy. lisa nodded.

lisa then noticed the twos nervous faces, and frowned slightly. "oh- um.. im sorry if i made you uncomfortable. i can get a little excited sometimes.." she said quieter, toning down her volume.

"what? no. its just-.. um a little scary for people to find out that we.." jimin drifted off. lisa finished his sentence. 'cross dress?" she questioned. both boys nodding.

"well. i wont judge you. i already said that. besides. i bet you look so pretty! go go. try it on!" she said excited. tae looked at her, nodding and grabbing the clothes and hurrying to the bathroom to change.

soon, tae came out from the bathroom. still wearing jungkooks hoodie, the white skirt, and some white thigh high socks.

lisa quickly clapped, making taehyung blush. jimin giggled from his seat, shoving an oreo in his mouth.

taehyung, seeing jimin was eating, quickly snatched the cookie that was about to go in his mouth. shoving it in his own. smiling smugly at jimins disgusted shocked face.

jimin rolled his eyes at taehyung playfully, looking at lisa and handing out a cookie, to which she gratefully took.


"what should we do?" lisa asked. taehyung shrugged. jimin thought and gasped after a while. quickly bending down and opening his makeup drawer. taking out his palette and brushing, smiling sheepishly at the other two.

"i need to practice." he said. lisas face lit up. "you can do makeup?!" she gasped. jimin nodded. "um- yes. at least i think so. i want to be a makeup artist when im older." he said shyly.

tae quickly interrupted. "hes lying. hes really good. like- really good." tae said causing lisa to giggle. "can you do mine?" she asked. jimin nodded.

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