34- embarrassing

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tae pov

i walked down to the parking lot, smiling softly as i saw kookie waiting for me. i waved at him, as i did a small jog to get to him quicker.

jungkook chuckled lightly at me as i ran to him. giving a smile at me when i stood right infront of him. "ready?" he asked softly. i nodded, still smiling. jungkook chuckled at my lack of words, giving me a soft kiss on the forehead.

it made me blush.

"well we should get in the car then." jungkook teased, still giving his bunny smile. i nodded, getting out from his loose hold on my waist. and got in the passenger seat. he then got in the drivers seat.

as we drove out of the parking lot, and on to the road. i felt jungkooks hand on my thigh. right above my knee. his thumb occasionally rubbing my thigh softly.

i jumped slightly when i felt his hand. proceeding to blush right after.

i kept glancing down at his hand, that had moved to my mid thigh. i felt my face heat up more, and quickly looked out the window so my pink cheeks werent noticed.

as i looked out the window, i still felt his hand placed softly on my thigh. it made me think about what lisa and minnie told me yesterday.

it'll happen sooner or later..

jungkook probably thought about it

i felt another wave of heat rise to my cheeks as i thought about... that. it was embarrassing. i mean, maybe theyre just normal teenager thoughts, but it made me feel flustered and shy.

and on top of that.. lisa had a point. i mean.. it would happen at some point. but the scary thing is i dont know when.

i mean, i barely even know how it works.. well, i mean i know the basics. but i never watched porn or anything like that. its just to embarrassing. 

but.. what if jungkook does really want.. that. but he doesnt want to try anything because of me. because he knows how shy and scared i get. then it would be my fault that i cant do anything like that with him..

i never knew how hard relationships were. this is too much for me. and we havent even been dating a wee-

"you know.. today is our 1 week anniversary as a couple."

jungkook spoke suddenly cutting off my thoughts. i quickly turned to him. "really?" i asked. jungkook glanced at me and chuckled with a nod. "yep." he replied, focusing back on the road.

"oh.." i said looking down, my eyes sub consciously focusing on his hand. i forgot, because i was excited and thinking about other things.

"wanna do something?" jungkook asked, giving my thigh a light squeeze. the movement sending butterflies to my stomach. i looked at him again.

"like what?" i asked, having no idea what to do. there would be so many options. jungkook glanced at me once more as we came to a red light. he shrugged softly.

"we could go to my place."

jungkook said casually. my eyes quickly widened and my cheeks flushed. i quickly looked down at my lap again. i felt my breath increase slightly as i played with my fingers.

i know he probably didnt mean it that way. but with the thoughts i'v been having since yesterday.. im too nervous to be alone with him. that sounds really bad, but im just scared. i wouldnt know what to do, it would be so embarrassing.

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