40- love

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no one pov

after the addition of jennie, the friend group were laughing and talking all together. jennie bonding with lisa more, the two still very blushy and flustered around eachother.

taehyung was still seated in jungkooks lap. continuing to smile as he felt jungkooks hand on his leg, that was covered with the mesh lace leggings. he blushed every now and again, as jungkooks hand would slide up a little more.

and soon, it was time to announce the home coming court. they all heard a student on the dance committee speak through the mic. standing on the small stage thing they had set up.

"alright people~! time to announce the homecoming king and queen! everyone make their ways down to the stage."

the group looked at eachother, nodding as they stood up. all walking to the stage. all teasing lisa happily as they pushed her closer to the stage, so she could wait for her name to be called.

jungkook made sure to hold taehyung close, trying his best to hold back a deadly glare at anyone who looked at him.

"how's everyones night so far!?" the announcer asked. the crowd cheered happily. the group of friends cheering along, all laughing together.

"good! well its the time of the night where we announce the king and queen.. soo~~ starting off with the queen." the student said, grabbing a card.

taehyung, jennie, and jimin all had their eyes closed, hoping it would be lisa. the said girl waiting nervously.

"lalisa manoban!"

the three who had their eyes closed in hopes, all suddenly gasped. smiling widely hearing lisas name. looking to the girl whos face was full of shock.

jimin giggled at the girl and pushed her tot he stage. she stumbled but walked up, smiling as she heard people cheering for her.

"here you go." the announcer said, placing a gold crown atop her hair. lisa smiled and giggled as she looked at her cheering friends. all of them clapping and cheering loudly for the happy girl.

"and now for our king." the student said, opening the other card. smiling before speaking into the mic.


the announcer called, people cheering for the male. meanwhile jennies happy smile dropped. staring blankly.

then the announcers face turned blank. looking at the crowd.

"um..kai?" she called again through the mic. people slowly stopped clapping, and looked around trying to find said boy.

the announcer blinked confused. "is he not here?" she asked confused, looking at lisa who was now standing alone. the announcer laughed awkwardly.

"well... um.. he was the only one who had any votes.... so... welcome our homecoming queen everyone!"

the announcer said, deciding to just keep it simple and make lisa the only dance 'royal'. lisa looked shocked, as did a few members of the crowd. everyone slowly starting to cheer again as lisa only smiled.

as lisa walked off the stage, she was tackled from a hug by tae and jimin. she giggled at the two as they pulled away. "i knew you'd win." jimin smiled. lisa giggled again.

the girl looked at jennie who smiled at her. lisa smiled back shyly. tae and jimin laughed at the two from the backround.

the moment was interrupted though. as the announcer spoke again. "were gonna start the slow song now. so grab your partners!" she said happily.

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