32- happy

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no one pov

taehyung laid comfortably, next to jungkook. his head rested softly on the olders chest. jungkook would occasionally brush his fingers through taes hair, as he stared at his ceiling wall.

the two were spending their saturday after noon together at jungkooks dorm. enjoying eachothers company, as they laid around. they hadnt even been dating a full week yet, though it felt so natural to hug and cuddle together like it was nothing.

but in reality, it meant everything.

jungkook glanced down at taehyung, who was lazily drawing random patterns on his chest. it gave the boy a tingly feeling, as he felt taehyungs fingers glide across his clothed chest. 

jungkook smiled softly at the oblivious boy. thinking about everything. it had been a crazy turn of events over the last week or so. but everything had turned out for the better, so he wasnt that upset. in fact he was happy he could finally call taehyung his.

the raven haired boy thought about their lives. and everything going on in school. and all that had happened. remembering the gym incitant. why were they even in the gym in the first place?- oh, right. the assembly... for homecoming.

and thats when it hit him. once again looking at taehyungs soft looking figure, before he spoke up with out a thought.

"taehyung?" he asked softly. tae turned his head to look up at the older boy. "yes kookie?" he asked quietly.

jungkook felt a smile tug at his lips as he saw taehyung soft fluffy hair all over the place. making him ten times more adorable.

"wanna go to homecoming with me?"

yes. he knew it wasnt really the most romantic way to ask taehyung. but it just felt like a good time to ask. like if he waited, it would end up being awkward and all over the place. right now just felt right.

taehyung physically paused as jungkook asked the simple question. his mouth falling open slightly as his eyes blinked a few times. jungkook chuckled softly at the confused boy.

"what?" tae asked softly. "do you want to go to homecoming with me?" jungkook repeated softly, using his hand to softly brush through taehyungs fluffy hair.

as taehyung finally comprehended what jungkook asked, he quickly looked down shyly and blushed. biting his lip to hold back a smile.

"i-i thought you didnt want to go?.." tae asked quietly, stuttering a little. jungkook looked at the boy. "yeah.. well that was before i knew you liked me back. i only said that because i didnt want to find anyone else to go with.. that wasnt you."

jungkook spoke in a soft tone, his eyes watching taehyung intently. seeing the boy flush even more as he said his words.

"oh.." tae said in realization. jungkook hummed, still watching the boy who refused to look up at him. jungkook frowned slightly.. he didnt like that.

using the hand that was now placed gently, tangled in taes fluffy locks. slowly moved down, gliding down taes soft face. until it rested at his chin. his thumb stroked taes soft cheek slowly as he admired the boy.

taehyung flinched slightly when he felt jungkooks hand on his face. but refused to look up, knowing he looked like a strawberry.

"look at me.."

jungkook said in a soft, yet deep husky voice. but still taehyung refused, feeling jungkooks thumb slowly trace from his cheek to his lip. falling down the pink flesh until it rested on the top of his chin. the males' pointer finger under it.

upon seeing taehyung didnt look at him. he lifted the boys head for him. making tae look at him, as he took in the youngers features.

tae look at jungkook back. his cheeks pink and rosy. his bambi eyes dilated, looking at jungkook with a glassy shine. like they sparkled in the light of the room.

"do you want to go to homecoming with me taehyung?"

jungkook repeated once more. looking right into taes soft eyes. taehyung, feeling jungkooks hand still holding his chin, only nodded his head slightly. his soft hair bouncing ever so softly as he moved.

though, as taehyung nodded softly, jungkook didnt respond. still staying in the same position, as if he didnt take it as an answer. and taehyung slowly came to realize that.


the younger whispered, looking in jungkooks chocolate eyes. when taehyung answered, jungkook let his hand fall from taes chin. still watching the boy who looked back with his cute bambi eyes.

taehyung slowly lowered his body back to resting on jungkooks'. jungkook instantly wrapped his arm around taes waist, holding him close.

thats when tae put his head in the crook of jungkooks neck. smiling softly as he found warmth. the older felt taehyungs soft breath on his skin, giving a slight tingle through his body.

then, after a few minutes, taehyung giggled. he giggled into jungkooks neck, with a wide boxy smile on his face.

jungkook, being curious, looked down at the giggly boy hiding his face. but smiled hearing the boys' precious laughs. ever since the first time he heard them, he knew it was his favorite sound in the world.

"whats got you laughing all of a sudden?" jungkook asked softly, his voice full of amusement. taehyung lifted his head, looking at jungkooks face. the youngers own face flushed a slight pink. his eyes crinkled happily, and his smile wide.

"im happy." he giggled some more. jungkooks small bunny smile widened at taehyungs words. "why's that?" he asked again.

"because- everything. we're finally together. i have amazing friends. i just gained one more friend a few days ago. im cuddling with the person i love more than anyone else in the world. and now i get to go to homecoming!"

tae rambled happily. jungkooks smile only grew wider with every word. when tae finished, he smiled happily and threw his hands loosely around jungkooks neck. burying his head in the olders chest.

jungkook chuckled at the cute boy. hugging him back as they laid together. he softly planted a kiss on the crown of the boys head.

"im happy too."

he said quietly. but it went to deaf ears as taehyung had miraculously fallen asleep. jungkook chuckled lightly at the now sleeping boy. he gave another soft kiss to the boys forehead.

sighing softly as he let his head fall back on the pillow. his hands finding their way up to taehyungs fluffy hair once more. he gave one last glance down to the cute baby. soft little snores coming from his pouty lips.

"sleep well, my love."


jus' a short fwuffy chaptwer :(((

luv chuuu



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