19- insecure

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no one pov

taehyung sighed as he flopped down on jimins bed. the older sat on his fluffy chair as he sucked on a lolipop. staring at taehyung as the younger looked back.

jimin sighed and took his lolipop out with a 'pop'. "ok imma say it. i dont like this yeri girl." jimin said, being straight forward about the whole situation. he knew both him and taehyung didnt like the girl.

it had only been 2 days since they got back from break and the girl seemed to be everywhere. it was honestly creepy.

taehyung sighed, sitting up criss cross on the bed. "yeah...same." he said quietly looking down. jimin looked at him in sympathy, though he didnt speak. already knowing tae was about to rant.

and rant he did.

"like- i dont know. jungkook seems not to like her. but shes fucking everywhere. ok- well not everywhere everywhere. but every lunch she tries to sit by him, or talk to him. like im here too. and it doesnt help that shes in jungkooks class. so she has classes with him. ones that im not in. its unfair."

tae said holding his knees to his chest. not gonna lie, he sounded like a child. a needy child. but these were his genuine feelings. he didnt like that this yeri girl could spend so much more time with jungkook than he could.

jimin nodded, moving the lolipop to the side of his inner cheek so he could talk properly. "well, yeah. but kook clearly hates her. so i mean..thats good, right?" jimin said. tae shrugged.

"yeah but..what if the more she hangs out with him. he'll stop hating her? like- you cant deny shes pretty..and her voice is really nice..and she seems to be kind to everyone..and she knows how to dress well...and shes clearly loyal...."

taehyung said, his voice getting smaller and smaller as he went on. and his insecurities getting larger and larger.

jimin didnt want to agree with the voy. but it was hard to deny that the girl seemed over all perfect. with a small sigh, jimin stood up and sat next to taehyung. resting his head on the youngers shoulder as they both stared into the distance.

"why is everything so complicated?.."

tae asked, his voice becoming broken and small. jimin let out a small breath of air. "i dont know taetae...lifes just like that i guess.." the older said, holding tae close.

tae did his best to push his emotions down, calming down slightly as he sniffed. "sorry. i know its irritating to comfort me all the time. i hate putting all my emotions on you." tae said, another insecurity he had.

he always put his drama and hardships on others, because he had no way to deal with it. he didnt know how. and he forgot that they also had problems. like minnie. his crush practically even looked at him through his preferential vision. and here he was complaining about how some girl was better than him..

jimin looked at the younger as he spoke. "oh tae.. its ok. really. its not a bother. id rather you tell me everything than keep it bottled up." the silver haired said calming taehyung. tae nodded, still zonign out.

jimin leaned on tae once more. "and besides. it keeps my life interesting." he joked lightly making tae giggle ever so slightly. a small boxy slime coming to his face. jimin always seemed to know what to say when he was down.

the only other person he know could do that was jungkook-

"hey, lets just forget about stupid yeri. and stupid boys. and stupid school... because i have 3 tubs of icecream in the freezer and a disney+ subscription thats just waiting to be used." jimin said sitting up.

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