26- one and only

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a/n: this is a roller coaster of emotions, so prepare the tissues once more

no one pov

after jungkook drove quickly to taehyungs dorm building. he parked outside and sprinted up to right out side the boys door. 

when he finally got there. he froze. now that he was so close, he finally felt his nerves rush in. he reached his arm out to knock. but paused right before he knocked on the door.

he looked down. he suddenly felt scared. but he couldnt turn down now. he was so close. so the raven haired shook his head fast to get ready again. and he knocked.


taehyung laid on his bed. holding onto his pillow tightly as he had been doing since this morning. he stared into space, his mind blank. his tear stained eyes dozed off into nothingness

he was tired. but he couldnt sleep. he was hungry, but he couldnt eat. or even get out of bed for that matter. all he could do was sigh to himself as he buried his head his pillows.

*knock knock knock*

taehyungs head snapped up from his pillows at the sound. he frowned, thinking he just hallucinated it. he sighed about to put his head down again when more knocks were heard.

he frowned. thinking that if he didnt answer the unknown person would go away. he really didnt want to talk to anyone right now.

but the knocks kept coming. quicker and louder each time. taehyung rolled his tired eyes slightly, rolling out of his comfortable bed. all he wanted to do was be sad in peace, was that so hard?

the boy slowly walked to the door, his energy was completely gone at the moment. the knocks still didnt stop as he walked to the door. "ok geez. im coming." tae said quietly to himself as he held the door handle.


jungkook was getting nervous. taehyung wasnt answering the door. maybe hes just asleep? he thought... so he kept knocking.

as the male was about to knock again the door opened. jungkook looked at the person behind it. he saw the small taehyung in a oversized shirt and fluffy socks. his hair was messy. his eyes were puffy and red. his whole face was tinted pink in his clearly tired state.

jungkook could only take the boys look for a second before taehyungs eyes widened and he slammed the door in his face. as soon as the door closed, jungkook leaned his body against the door.

"no. taehyung wait." he said knocking on the door again. his voice now worried. he kept knocking agaisnt the door as he held his body against it. as he did he could hear small cries from the younger, which only made his worries bigger.


taehyung slammed the door shut as he saw jungkooks face. quickly leaned his back against his door as his breath increased. he panted as tears started to sting his eyes. he kept hearing jungkooks knocks and calls for him to open the door, which made his tears fall more.

"taehyung please..." jungkook said against the door after a few minutes. taehyung sniffled, knowing the older wouldnt go away. he sighed slightly and opened the door so only the corner of his face could be seen.

"taehyung...-" jungkook started but his words were cut when taehyung tried to close the door again.

thanks to jungkooks quick reflexes, he held the door with his arms and tried to open it. taehyung struggled and tried to keep the door closed. his breaths and cries becoming louder as he tried to push jungkook out. it broke jungkooks heart just seeing him like this.

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