27- cheesy

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no one pov

taehyung rest his head on jungkooks chest. his fingers drawing random swirls an patterns on the olders arms and chest. jungkook watched the boy softly. slowly running his hands through the youngers hair.

the two laid silent on taehyungs bed. just enjoying eachothers presence. after the talk they had about 40 minutes ago, they were still both overwhelmed. the shock of what was actually happening hadnt fully hit yet.

they were dating now...

its crazy to think that a mere 2 hours ago.. that they werent.


"kookie..?" tae asked softly, still looking at jungkooks chest. "hmm?" jungkook hummed in response. still watching the boy with love eyes. taethen moved his head and looked up at jungkook with his cute bambi eyes.

"what do we do now?" tae asked softly. jungkook couldnt help but smile at the cute boys' words. "now?" he repeated, making tae nod his head cutely. he was still waiting for the answer.

"now i cuddle you forever." jungkook said teasingly, as a huge bunny smile grew on his face. he quickly hugged taehyung tighter making the boy squeal. taehyung started giggling as jungkook tickled his sides.

jungkook couldnt help but giggle along with the adorable younger. "s-stop." taehyung said through his giggles. finally jungkook decided to stop, and halted his tickling.

he only chuckled as taehyung snuggled up to him again, still with his big boxy smile. they calmed once more. "but seriously... what now?" tae asked again, his mind still stuck on the question that he couldnt answer himself.

jungkook sighed lightly. "i dont know bear... but everythings gonna be ok. so stop worrying so much." jungkook smiled softly and pet the boys hair.

taehyung smiled at his words, blushing slightly. ".. i missed when you called me that.." tae said shyly, avoiding eye contact. jungkook smiled at him. "should i call you that from now on then?" he teased lightly.

taehyung blushed more but shyly nodded. jungkook only chuckled again, but made sure to call taehyung by the cute nickname. 

the two didnt feel like going anywhere, or even get up for food at the moment. only wanting to stay in eachothers arms. something they both craved for so long, they could finally do. it felt so different, but so familiar at the same time.

"what about school?" taehyung spoke up suddenly. making the older look at him.

taehyung was still terrified to go to school. thinking about all the people who knew about his secret now. he was scared of what might happen. but it made him the slightest bit better knowing he had jungkook to help him get through it.

as jungkook looked at the younger, he sighed. "i dont know.. but we have eachother so everything will work out." jungkook said truthfully. taehyung looked at him, a small blush rising to his cheeks but he ignored it and giggled slightly.

"stop being so cheesy!" he said giggling. jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, smiling along with taehyung. "why? you dont like it?" jungkook teased. taehyung only giggled again, not answering the question.

once again, when the giggles dies down, taehyung felt like he should ask again. still nervous about his question. but before he could even start to ask, jungkook spoke up.

"...do you want to go tomorrow? to school, i mean?" jungkook said. tae looked at him. he could only shake his head slightly. he was too scared. he looked down slightly, feeling bad about it.

jungkook frowned a little and lifted the boys' head. "hey.. its ok. we dont have to go tomorrow. how about, tomorrow we spend the whole day together. just the two of us." jungkook smiled.

taehyungs eyes perked up. "the whole day?" he asked cutely. jungkook nodded. "yes. all day long." he reassured. tae thought about it alittle. "..do we have to go anywhere.. i kinda just wanna stay home." he said softly.

jungkook stayed smiling. "where ever you want bear." he said. taehyung gave a soft smile at the olders response. he nodded slightly at jungkook, making the boys smile widen. he was now excited t stay with taehyung all day tomorrow. they would probably just lay in bed and watch movies, but it still sounded amazing if he could be with taehyung.

"but you still need to go to school.. some day or another.." jungkook told the boy. tae looked at him, his bambi eyes dilating. but soon taehyung gave up and sighed slightly with a nod. "yeah.." he said quietly.

"it doesnt have to be now, or this week.. just soon, ok?" jungkook asked. he didnt want to pressure the boy. but he needed to go back, he couldnt just quit.

taehyung nodded at jungkooks words. "so...wednesday?" he asked nervously. jungkook looked at him, he wasnt expecting that soon of a day to be the answer. taehyung clearly saw his reaction and spoke on it.

"y-you said..as long as we're together it would be ok.. s-so... i think i'll be fine." tae said blushing. jungkook couldnt hold back his smile. 

"whos the cheesy one now/" jungkooks teased. taehyung smiled through his blush. but soon jungkook nodded, responding to taes question. "if you want to go on wednesday, then we can." he smiled.

if tae felt he was ready to go back in two days time, he would let him. but he would also make sure he was with taehyung as much as he could, so he could comfort him.

tae nodded slightly. "ok..." he said quietly. before he let out a small yawn. covering his mouth with his sweater paws. jungkook cooed at the sight. 

tae then rubbed his tired eyes. jungkook watched him softly. "tired?" he asked. tae nodded, as his lips fell into a pout. his bread cheeks puffing out cutely, and his eyes drooped looking sleepy. "mhm.." he responded softly.

jungkook smiled softly at him. "sleep then.." he said. he knew the boy hadnt been getting sleep, hence his very tired state. but he hasnt been sleeping good either, so he knew they both needed it.

tae nodded, resting his head on jungkooks chest once again. "you staying right?" tae asked, not wanting the older to leave. jungkook smiled. "yes bear.. im right here." he said, hushing tae softly.

taehyung hummed softly, already falling into a deep sleep. he cuddled into jungkooks torso, finding him warm.

jungkook smiled down at the boy. he had always given taehyung a pillow to hug when he fell asleep. but now he could be there for taehyung to feel comfort. 

slowly he too, fell into a deep sleep. his arms wrapping protectively around the youngers small body.


im back yall~~

also, sorry for the short filler chapter. i'll try to upload again today <3

next chapter is about jimin, as all of yall seemed to be nervy about him and yoongs-

luv chuuu



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