7- comfort

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jungkook pov (finally lol)

to be honest. im kinda scared right now.

i dont know why. but i guess thats just my nature. its not anything bad...well i hope. taehyung just texted me saying that i needed to go over to his dorm, like urgently. i mean, we usually plan out hangouts..so i just hope hes not dying or anything.

actually, we havent hung out together since we all went to the cafe last saturday- one week ago to be exact. other than that, we really only hung out at school- well at lunch and the few classes we do have together, since im a year ahead of him.

taes been hanging out with jimin a lot recently. i think thats good, cause he doesnt really have that many friends other than the group. i dont have a problem with that, obviously. that means i can hang out with him more. duh.

anyway, other than that. hes been kinda weird this week? i dont really know how to put it. i mean hes always weird. like, hes always quiet at lunch- though thats kinda normal for him. but..i dont know. im probably just going crazy. the chalk i snorted in 6th grade is finally hitting in i guess.

but that aside, now im just hurrying to taes dorm. finally parking my car outside his building and hurrying up to his dorm.

i knocked on the door, and it opened almost immediately. which spooked me a little.

"are you dying?" i asked quickly. taehyung looked at me. i could tell he was trying to bite back a smile. even though his face looked nervous? im so confused right now.

"no. im not dying." he said quietly. i sighed. "well thats good." i said, trying to bring his strangely sad, nervous looking mood up. sadly, it failed.

no one pov

taehyung wanted to smile at jungkooks joke(?). but he was too nervous to do so. all he could do was get this over with. there was no pulling out now. it had to happen.

"can we go to my room? i need to tell you something.." tae said looking down. jungkook watched his friend in confusion. but he nodded. "of course." he replied. taehyung nodded back walking to his room. jungkook followed right after.

taehyung sighed lightly as he looked at the love of his life. the older stared back confused. "whats wrong?" jungkook asked, seeing tae nervous and sad like this was something he didnt like. he always wanted his bestfriend to be happy.

"s-so...you know how i'v been acting..w-weird this w-week..." tae trailed off, looking at the floor. jungkook nodded slowly. "i mean..i guess. you were kinda the same as always though." taehyung nodded. whispering an "exactly." but jungkook didnt hear it.

tae slowly looked at jungkooks face again. he could already feel tears threaten to sting his eyes. "j-just....i need to t-tell you something..." tae said softly. jungkook only nodded concerned. why was tae getting so upset? the raven headed boy thought.

"what is it? you can tell me anything." jungkook smiled softly. that only made tae want to cry more. the younger nodded silently. "j-just..w-wait here..ok?" tae asked quietly. jungkook nodded confused.

"where are you going?" he asked. taehyung just silently walked to the bathroom at the end of his room, closing the door half way. "just...stay, until im done." tae said. jungkook again, clueless nodded.

taehyung stared at himself in the mirror after closing the door. he looked at his face, his cheeks turning slightly red, and his eyes becoming more teary by the minute. but the young boy shook his head, looking at the pile of clothes in the corner of the bathroom.

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