24- bear

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no one pov

taehyung felt awful.

everything just came crashing down on him, as if the world wanted to destroy him. he didnt even know what to think anymore. everything was just so messed up. he felt so over it all.

the boy laid in his bed, face in his pillows, as he cried hysterically. sniffles, coughs, and hiccups were heard all through his bed room as he continued, with no sign of stopping.

jimin sat beside him. watching the boy with sad pained eyes. he didnt know what to do, or how to comfort the younger. he sat silently hearing taehyungs cried, until it got too much to handle.

"taetae?.." jimin asked in a sot quiet voice. he softly placed his small hand on the youngers back. taehyung didnt respond but his loud muffled cries subsided slightly.

"please stop crying..." jimin pouted, putting his hand on taehyungs head. gently running his fingers through his messy fluffy hair to comfort him. 

jimin told the younger to stop crying, because if he heard anymore he would end up crying too. he was trying his hardest to stay strong right now, so he could be there for taehyung. and if he cried too, he wouldnt be able to do that.

taehyung then turned on his side, propping himself up on one arm. finally taking his head out of the pillows as he looked at jimin. his face was red. his eyes were puffy. his lips quivered uncontrollably as he took in very shaky breaths. tears streamed out of his eyes as he sobbed looking at the older boy.

"oh taetae.." jimin said as he wrapped his arms around taehyung. the younger melted into his touch and cried in his hold. hugging jimin back. jimin sighed softly as taehyung cried. he just waited for him to calm down, at least a little.

as jimin hugged the boy. he soon felt tears sting his own eyes. he tried to hold them in, but they eventually started falling slowly as the two hugged longer. a few tears falling on the back side of his glasses, as he was in a slight awkward position.

after what seemed like hours, taehyungs loud cries and shaky sobs slowed. the boy now rested his head on jimins chest as he stared at the bed covers. now only silent tears falling from his eyes, as he occasionally took in deep shaky breaths.

as jimin heard the boys cries stop, he moved slowly. so he could sit criss cross, and taehyung half laid down so he could rest on jimins chest. the older put his head side ways on taes hair as they sat in silence. 

the silence was peaceful. only the sounds of their breaths could be heard from one another. thats all that was heard until another 'ding' of taehyungs phone interrupted it.

jimins head lifted slightly at the sound. he glanced on taehyungs side table to see the same contact that had texted taehyung constantly since the two ran out of the gym a few hours ago.


jimin sighed slightly, causing taehyung to know who texted him. "d-did he text again?" he asked shakily. jimin nodded. "yeah.." he said softly.

taehyung lifted his head and looked at the older, only now noticing jimins teary eyes behind his glasses rims. he frowned and looked at his phone momentarily. jungkook had been texting him non stop, but he ignored it all. he couldnt handle that right now, after everything.

because he knew that if he picked up the phone, their friendship would end. and he didnt want to stop talking to the raven haired. so he thought that if he ignored it, he could keep the idea of him and jungkook being friends without any problems, would stay a little longer.

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