4- shopping

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no one pov

taehyung whined slightly when the light hit his face on a bright saturday morning. the boy cursing his friends for making him have to wake up so early to go to the mall.

but none the less, taehyung got up. slowly walking to the bathroom in his large hoodie. trying to wake himself up by splashing cold water on his face- it sorta worked.

with a sigh taehyung did his normal morning routine, cleaning his face, doing his hair, and putting on jeans and a regular white tee. the young boy put out his regular white nike shoes by the door too.

checking the time, taehyung saw it was 9 already. with another quick sigh he ate some breakfast and waited for jungkook to get him. smiling happily when he saw the olders id pop up.

kookie: im outside ur building.

tae: wOw. not even gonna come get me.

kookie: shush. im lazy

tae: lol ok. coming now

kookie: cool.

tae: wierdo

kookie: rude.


taehyung giggled as he texted jungkook, hurrying to put his phone away and chuck on his shoes. walking out the door in a hurry before closing it behind him.

taehyung tried to stop himself from bursting out in a smile as he saw jungkook leaning against his car, looking like a snacc, tae might add.

"finally. ur really slow." jungkook joked as he saw taehyung. the younger rolled his eyes getting in the car. "shut up." he retorted making jungkook chuckle, getting in the driver seat.

after jungkook buckled in, he started the car and drove out of the parking lot. taehyung sat silently, enjoying the olders presence. glancing over to look at his side profile every now and again. watching jungkook drive, something so basic, yet jungkook made it look so hot.

"you can turn on the music." jungkook then said, keeping his eyes on the road. taehyung blushed slightly as he was in the middle of a glance. but he nodded anyways. grabbing the olders phone to turn on the music.

yes, he had jungkooks password, and jungkook had his. i mean, they were bestfriends after all. thats why taehyung made sure his phone was always clean of anything that could give up his secret.

of course he had his texts and what not. but jungkook wasnt one to look through personal things like that. neither was he. thats why the two trusted eachother.

tae scrolled through jungkooks spotify playlist, trying to pick a song. as he scrolled a certain song caught his eye.

"you listen to troy sivan?" tae asked looking up from the device. jungkook glanced at the younger before looking back at the road. "yeah, got a problem?" he asked jokingly. taehyung only smiled and shook his head. "no."

the boy managed to say before quickly clicking BIGANG's 'loser'. the older smiled at the song choice, continuing his drive.

meanwhile taehyung blushed. he didnt really know why, but after seeing jungkook liked troy sivans music gave him some hope. not that it really meant anything, but taehyung felt it did. just a little.

before the two knew it, they were both singing (more like screaming) the lyrics to bigbang songs, all the way to the mall. laughing at eachother along the way. their regular routine for every car ride the two had. 

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