15- "no. i dont have a girlfriend"

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no one pov


rm -----------------
       tae      jimin

everyone was seated at a booth in the calming cafe. taehyung and jimin had arrived a few minutes earlier than the rest to compose themselves. they all had some drinks. jimin was gonna order a shake, but he had clearly lost his appetite by this whole thing, so he decided against it.

the two youngest were looking at their hands in their lap/ or on the table as the others waited for them to speak. the two were too nervous at the moment to say anything. the fear finally hitting full on.

finally hobi sighed in irritation. "ok, first yall drag us to the cafe and then you dont even say anything. hurry up~." he whined like a child. yoongi rolled his eyes, kinda agreeing. "i mean he has a point. whats the big deal? what could you two have possibly done thats so important you tell us all to meet up.. in the morning of all times?" 

the tired male asked. the youngest two stayed silent, listening to their friends talk. the two had already decided jimin would speak first, the older knowing tae was much more scared and nervous about this topic.

did yall get girlfriends or something? like-" namjoon asked. yoongi groaned. "i swear if you guys dragged me hear to announce your relationship status.." yoongi said rubbing his eyes. 

jimin sighed to himself, not really knowing how to say it. he just tried to wait until the right time, which didnt really help.

meanwhile jungkook stayed silent. he had an idea of what this was all about. but he was confused about jimin. was he, too? the male questioned. he didnt know, but he would wait patently to find out, unlike his friends who clearly didnt really want to be here.

yoongi, now convinced this was all about their relationship announcement, tried to get the two to speak up. "just say it. you have a girlfriend-"

"we're gay."

jimin finally spoke, cutting yoongi off. he spoke as he lifted his head, looking at his friends. suddenly the olders grew quiet, as taehyung looked deeper into his lap.

"wait what?" hobi said looking at jimin, his face blank like the rest of them. jimin only sighed. "were gay. thats what we wanted to tell you." the boy said fixing his glasses slightly.

quickly the older boys looked down or at the table, not expecting that to be the reason. they stayed blank faced not really knowing what to do. jimin stayed silent waiting for them to say something.

and once again, hoseok spoke up. "so...you dont..have a girl friend?" he asked. jimin almost wanted to laugh at the stupidity. "no, i dont have a girlfriend." the younger spoke, his voice almost monotone.

hoseok nodded slightly, his eyes landing on the sugar packets on the table. he kept them there not knowing where else to look. 

taehyung, now gaining some confidence lifted his head from his lap. looking at his friends with his shy bambi eyes. he wanted to see their reaction, but at the same time.. he didnt. as he did lift his head, he saw them all slightly awkward and like they were trying to find out what to say.

he looked at them all. one by one. as he came to jungkook. the older looked right at him. a small silent smile on his face. taehyung gave a short smile back. the older always knew how to comfort him, even just with subtle unnoticable signs.

"so, what? this is your announcement that you two are dating or..?" yoongi said playing with a sugar packet in his fingers. in that moment all the heads of the friend group looked at tae and jimin, even jungkook. of course the raven haired didnt believe nor want that. but he couldnt help but look.

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