23- assembly

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uhhh...i'll just give you time to grab your tissues now. before we start :/

no one pov

taehyung sighed as he first class started. he started feeling slightly better since yesterday. the decent sleep last night helped alot. but he still felt down about the whole thing. even though he shouldnt. 

he knew one day or another jungkook would find someone. even if he was over reacting about this situation, it would end up happening one day. and he would just have to live with that fact.

as the boys homeroom teacher walked in, she smiled widely as she did every morning. "hello class! just a reminder that the assembly will be after first period so remember to go to the gym." she announced.

taehyung sighed. he really didnt want to sit through that. but he would have to, sadly. anyways.. after homeroom taehyung quickly made his way to his first class.

and thank jesus it was science. the one class he didnt have to do anything. and jimin was in that class with him, so that just made it ten times better.

"feeling better today?" jimin whispered as taehyung sat down. the younger nodded slightly, making jimin give a soft smile. he could tell the boy looked more rested.

 the two sat next to eachother during class. whispering to eachother every so often. talking about random things. the period flew by quick. because soon the bell rang.


"ugh. i really dont wanna sit through this." jimin sighed as he sat next to hoseok. the group of boys sat down on the gym bleachers. facing the small stage thing some other students set up for the assembly. the group was in a small huddle, grouped together as they sat


          joon   jin             
yoongi, hobi, kook
              jimin, tae       

"same." jin agreed with the younger boy. i mean, who actually wanted to sit through school assemblies. just boring people talk about 'school spirit' or whatever. it wasnt the most fun thing ever, thats for sure.

but soon enough, as the rest of their highschool classmates walked in the gym. filling up every seat their was, the assembly started.

"hello, students!" their principle said through the micro phone. "today is our school assembly in preparation for our homecoming dance! we have a few things planned to talk about today, so please pay attention, and keep talking to a minimal."

the principle said. the students replied with "yes." to be honest, they were kinda happy the teachers at this school werent complete assholes. sure, a lot of them were mean. but most of them were okay.

"first and for most. the homecoming dance will be held in almost 3 months. so, no need to rush with everything, we still have plenty of time. in the mean time, please cheer our football team, kicking off the season with all wins so far!" she spoke into the mic.

the students cheered for the team who smiled and waved like cocky dumbasses. taehyung clapped and smiled as he saw bogum laughing with the other boys.

"in terms of king and queen for our dance. the ballot box will be put out in a few weeks." she then spoke. the students nodded at the information. she talked some more about boring stuff everyone already knew, like dress code and what not.

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