28- a chance

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no one pov

jimin took a shaky, nervous breath in as he looked at himself in the mirror. he stared at his tear stained cheeks, quickly wiping them away. using his small hands to pat down his red face. looking in the mirror again and giving his best smile.

his smile then dropped immediately after a few seconds.

he tried again.

and again.

until, after a few times. he had gotten the perfect mochi smile. 

with another wipe of his eyes, he splashed water on his face, before going to change. he wore a basic white t-shirt, and jeans. he knew everyone knew he was gay.. but he wouldnt come out for crossdressing too.. at least not with out tae too.

because if taehyung had to go through it by himself, the younger wouldnt be able to handle it. so he would wait until taehyung was ready for both of them.

jimin walked out of his dorm, ready to walk to school. he already tried texting taehyung, but the boy wouldnt respond. so he assumed he just needed time for himself. jimin didnt think about it too much as he walked to school with his head down. when he was just about to approach the opening of the school gates, he sighed nervously.

just keep your head down...  

the boy then started his steps into the school yard. as soon as he entered he could here the whispers. he already knew everyone was looking at him, but he didnt dare to look up.

he just kept walking into the school, until he reached his locker. and thank god he didnt run into any body. he didnt want to deal with that embarrassment at a time like this..

jimin approached the locker area. he looked up from the ground to go to his locker. as he did so, he made eye contact with all his friends.

jimins breath hitched slightly when he saw all 4 of them look at him. with in half a second of not seeing jungkook, he guessed it went well with taehyung and him together..

"jimin-" namjoon started, but jimin quickly looked away. he opened his locker quickly and hid behind the open door. grabbing his books, trying not to look to his right side. knowing his friends were still staring at him.

when he collected his books, he closed the locker again, still not looking up. he then turned to walk to his first class. "jimin wait-" hobi started. jimin didnt stop and kept going. he couldnt face them.. at least not yoongi.

but from the corner of his eye, he glanced back at the group. he saw his friends, all with depleted sorry faces. he tried his best to not look at yoongi in that split second. but he did.. and saw the male staring at him with out saying a word.

jimin bit the inside of his cheek to hold his tears, quickly moving his feet to get to his first class.

the silver haired boy sat down in the back of the class. eyes around him seemed to follow his every move. on one side it made him insecure and want to cower away. and on the other side he was mad and frustrated. he just wished they'd stop looking at him..

as the teacher walked in, jimin turned to the right page in his history class. keeping his head down, trying his best to hide as he occasionally fixed his glasses.

his next class. science. usually the class he liked the best because he had no work and the teacher was never there.

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