25- fault

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no one pov

days pasted and taehyung was still laying in his room crying. today was monday. usually he would be at school going through his everyday school schedule. sitting in boring classes and listening to his dumb ass friends.

but it felt like that was no longer his normal routine. now, he woke up. laid in bed all day. too tired to get up. he felt depleted. he wasnt hungry enough to get himself up and walk to the kitchen. 

by now, he probably had loads of messages from jimin. the boy left after the first night. he had things to do over the weekend or something, taehyung couldnt remember. but he wouldnt check his phone.

he was too scared to see a text from jungkook. saying that their friendship was over and he never wanted to see taehyung again.

he didnt know if people at school had forgotten about what happened. he hoped they did, but he highly doubted it. by now, everyone probably knew everything and he would be humiliated if he ever went back.

the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

taehyung sighed sadly, wiping his red nose as he cuddled his head into his pillows. hoping they could protect him from the outside world.


*knock knock knock*

jimin fiddled with his fingers slightly as he waited outside the door. he almost wanted to just leave. but he knew he had to be here. for taehyung.

after a few minutes the door infront of jimin opened. he saw the tired face of his raven haired friend standing infront of him. 

"what do you want?" the male asked. jimin sighed slightly. "can i come in jungkook?" he asked. jungkook stared at him, but slowly nodded after a while. moving aside for the younger.

"thanks.." jimin mumbled as he sat on the couch. jungkook only nodded as he sat down on the other couch. so he could look right at jimin.

the younger fixed his glasses as he looked around. he saw the boys sink had a few dishes in it. ramen cups were stuffed into the trash can. sure, it looked pretty normal. but it was weird for jimin. to see jungkooks dorm 'messy'. he was usually generally clean when it came to chorse and what not.

the younger then looked at jungkook. his face was tinted red. his eyes were tired. and the bags under them made him look almost dead. his skin was paler then usual. it was clear he hadnt been sleeping.

jimin frowned slightly. about to ask if the male was ok, when jungkook cut him off.

"is taehyung ok?"

the first thing jungkook said since jimin got there. the younger looked at jungkooks questioning, pleading eyes. he quickly looked down as he felt tears sting his own eyes.

"i-i dont know.." he whispered softly. sniffling as he wiped his eyes. not wanting to cry. the boy was very emotionally attached to taehyung. and just seeing him look so helpless made jimin feel like he couldnt do anything. he didnt know how to help.. which is why he went to see jungkook.

jungkooks slight sparkle in his eyes left quickly as he heard jimin speak. looking down as he sighed softly to himself. 

after jimin calmed down, he looked at the older. seeing his long messy hair all over the place. as he rubbed his face with his hand. jimin frowned again.

"are you ok?"

jimin asked making the older look at him. jungkook frowned. "im fine." he said averting eye contact. jimin shook his head. "i dont think you are."

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