21- love is hard

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no one pov

taehyung ran through the halls, not stopping as his tears fell down his face. thankfully, because everyone was in class, it all went unnoticed. jimin ran after the boy, until they both got to the storage closet.

taehyung opened the door and fell to his knees, small sobs coming out of his mouth. he didnt even make an effort to turn on the lights, or close the door. he sobbed in the dark until jimin got there.

the older turned on the lights, seeing tae on his knees crying. he sighed quickly and closed the door behind him. forgetting about it and ran straight to the crying boy. thankfully, the door closed behind him.

"shh...its ok taetae.." jimin whispered softly as he held taehyung close. the younger made a small whimpering noise as he cried more. he didnt really understand why he was crying so much. maybe it was just all the emotions he had built up but didnt let go.

sadness. anger. frustration. love. 


he was jealous. jealous that yeri could freely show her emotions towards jungkook. jealous that he had to stay hidden. jealous that he could never get returned love. jealous that others could want to feel pretty with out being judged. jealous of everything.

and jealousy can drive you crazy.

"i know...here come on..." jimin spoke, helping tae stand up. when taehyung complied, jimin walked him over to the bench sitting in the back. jimin sat down, letting taehyung sit after.

the younger sniffled and wiped his still very teary eyes. he laid on the bench and placed his head on jimins lap. the older smiled sadly down at the boy and played with his hair. trying his best to comfort the boy.

"w-why is e-everything s-so compl-licated..?" tae sniffled, his voice cracking and hiccuping as he spoke. still letting his tears fall. jimin sighed. "i dont know taetae.. lifes just like that sometimes." he soothed.

taehyung sniffled. "w-why is he so d-dumb?" taehyung said upset. jimin couldnt help but chuckle. nodding in agreement. "i know.." he said softly. letting the younger speak his mind.

"i-i hate being in love."

taehyung said once more. jimin sighed again. "same to be honest." he said softly. taehyung frowned, sniffling again and again. "i-i dont understand i-it. w-why him? why couldnt it be anyone e-else?" the boy spoke slowly calming down.

"would you want it to be anyone else?" jimin asked the boy. taehyung stopped momentarily. getting comfortable again in jimins lap. "n-no..." he said quietly making jimin smile.

"i knew you'd say that.." jimin softly joked. taehyung couldnt help but smile slightly. giggling just a bit. jimin calmed slightly as taehyung stopped crying. still, he stayed laying on jimins lap, finding it peaceful.

"i just wish it was easier..." taehyung said after his short giggle fit. jimin smiled sadly at him. "how?" he asked. "well- its like.. i wish i could only watch him from afar, ya know? like- if it was someone i saw randomly on the street or in a coffee shop. not my fucking best friend." he started.

"if we werent so close. it would be easier to..forget, i guess. or atleast not have all these expectations. but at the same time, i wouldnt have to hide it so much. because i know if i said something it wouldnt ruin own whole friendship.." tae finished.

jimin sighed slightly, knowing the boy was right. but tae started up again. "i also with he wasnt so dumb. and like- see the obvious.." tae said. jimin giggled softly. "yeah..." he drifted off.

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