18- kookie

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no one pov

after that night, the 5 oldest boys went home after an eventful day. taehyung slept over of course, but went back to his dorm the day after. to get ready for school that would start back up again on monday.

though it was very hard, as he kept thinking back to the conversation he had with jimin when he woke up. the older told him jungkook carried him to bed and removed his makeup. which of course made taehyung feel like 1 million butterflies were flying around his stomach.


"hey tae." jungkook said with a small smile. tae smiled back. "hi kookie." he waved getting in the car. jungkook driving off, the two ready to go to school.

"are you excited to go back to school?" jungkook asked. tae laughed. "no not really. id rather sleep all day." he replied joking. jungkook smiled at the younger. "fair enough." he replied, knowing the boy loves his sleep.

with a short drive the two arrived at the school yard. they walked up to their friends who were waiting for them, as usual. "hey guys." jungkook waved. "hey kook." they replied, greeting the boy.

"hi." tae waved as well. the other boys smiling at him, waving back. should we go to our lockers now?" namjoon asked. the others nodded and walked off. taehyung walked up to jimin, walking next to him to get to their lockers.

the day was calm and chill. which taehyung appreciated, since it was their first day back.

"ugh. i dont wanna go to math." jimin groaned as he took out his math books. taehyung laughed slightly. "same. math sucks." he said. "agreed." jungkook said from his own locker making the two youngest laugh.

"well, at least i have food-" jimin started, cut off by taehyung. "gimme." he stated. jimin looked at him. "no. never." he smiled cheekily. "please?" tae asked. jimin questioned for a few minutes. "hmm.... fine." he rolled his eyes seeing taehyung already reaching for the bag.

tae laughed in accomplishment as he grabbed a hand full of the small individual wrapped hard candies. jimin sighed closing his locker. 

from the back round the two could hear their friends laughing in amusement at their bickering. tae didnt mind, knowing he got his food.


the group heard the first bell. tae sighed. "lets go to math~." he groaned. jimin nodded, the two hated math, with reason. "bye guys." jimin waved. "bye kookie." tae waved to his best friend.

the raven haired waved back. "bye guys." he gave a small smile to the two who walked away to their class. the boy then turned to his other friends giving them 'bro shakes'. "see ya guys. off to hell." the boy joked.

"good luck." yoongi said making jungkook roll his eyes. walking off to his own math class. 


luckily hsi classes ended quickly and he could go to lunch. slowly dragging his feet. the boy didnt really have that much energy today. makes sense as its their first day back. its just tiresome.

with a sigh, he sat down at their table, his tray lightly slamming on the table. everyone was already there and looked at the tired boy. "you good?" hobi asked. "yeah. just tired." he shrugged eating some rice.

tae didnt say anything but looked at the older with a worried face. even something as simple as being tired, concerned taehyung. he hated when jungkook wasnt feeling his best. but there wasnt really much he could do, could he?

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