39- a grand entrance

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no one pov

the three sat in the car, lisa had just parked the car. both boys now suddenly hyperventilating as they grew very nervous.

"we should just go. yeah lets go. forget it." jimin suddenly said. "yeah. lets leave. come on start the car-" taehyung agreed, before getting cut off by lisa.

"no. you two.. its gonna be fine. you came so far... dont just leave now. it'll be fun. i promise! and if you absolutely hate it.. then grab your boyfriends and drag them outa there. and get some dick. but, think positively. ok?"

both taehyung and jimin blushed madly, as they looked at lisa who smiled at them. they soon broke into short laughs, sighing. "ok... lets go. we can do this...right?" jimin asked nervously.

lisa smiled with a nod. "yep! now come on. i think everyones inside already. stop making us more late." lisa scolded, getting out.

taehyung scoffed teasingly. "wasnt you who said we need to make a grand entrance?" he joked. lisa looked at him, laughing with a nod. "point taken."

they then walked to the gym. hearing the loud music from the inside. all three were terrified frankly. but continued to walk. biting back a nervous smile as they felt their skirts flow in the soft winds of the night.


"dude. where are they?" namjoon asked, sipping on his punch. jungkook checked his phone again, seeing no messages. he shrugged. "i dont know." he said, nervously bouncing his leg.

"maybe they ditched- oW!" hobi tried to suggest, but yoongi hit his arm. "shut up already." he said irritated. hobi rolled his eyes. "whatever. its not a big deal to you anyways. chill out dude." hobi rolled his eyes.

yoongi bit the inside of his lip, wanting to disagree. but held against it. thing is, he had realized he had real feelings for jimin. but him being.. well him. was still scared to say it. but he decided earlier on that day that he would tell jimin tonight. hopefully. if the boy even showed up. they were already late-

"holy shit."


"ok...ready?" lisa asked, getting nervous herself. 'well.. we cant really turn back now." taehyung gulped. they stood behind the door that led to the gym. they knew that all their school mates were right behind that door.

it was terrifying.

"um...on the count of three?" jimin questioned. the three looked at eachother and nodded. all taking a deep breath before saying together "ok ok... 1....2.....3."

the three opened the door.

they walked through the groups of people. randoms stopping mid conversation to look at the three. grabbing attention of others until everyone was watching the two boys in pretty skirts, and lisa dressed like she was ready to walk the red carpet.

taehyung tried to keep his eye contact forward, avoiding looking at others. he felt his heart racing. pounding in his chest. he kept telling himself 'only a few more steps then you can see jungkook..i think their sitting in the back.' saying anything to himself to distract himself from the shocked stares.

i hate this..

taehyung felt jimins presence as he walked next to him. knowing the boy felt the same thing he did. 

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