6- what if...

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tae pov

so...its been almost a week since jungkook slept over. and to be honest, nothing happened. just boring highschool classes and random friend talks. no drama, or crazy kdrama type stuff. i mean i think thats a good thing, though it would make life more interesting.

but..after jungkook stayed over (even though it was like almost everytime he'd stayed over) i felt weird...not like weird weird..or anything. just- i dont really know..

but i was thinking about what he said.. and stuff...

like how i was being "weird." i mean its true..in a way. i mean this is how i usually act, i just dont want him to find out, ya know?

anyways...i was kinda sorta thinking about what would happen if i came out to him. and to be honest, even the thought terrifies me. what if he doesnt want to be friends anymore? or leaves me?...

no. he wouldnt do that. right? i mean, we've been friends for like 9 years..he would just leave..right? i dont know...

and i hate myself for even thinking he would leave me, i know hes not like that. im just scared. but at the same time, i cant hide it forever. i mean, im still fucking inlove with the boy...UGHHH why is everything so hard. i dont understand.

anyways. its now friday, and almost lunch time. currently im in language with jimin. thankfully we dont have fully assigned seats in this class so i could sit with him.

i wasnt paying attention to what the teacher was saying. more just letting my brain run through my thoughts. mostly the thought of coming out to jungkook. i dont know why that specific thought keeps coming back..but it does.

jimin clearly saw my thinking face because he soon tapped my shoulder. i looked at my friend confused. "yeah?" i whispered. "what are you thinking about?" he whispered back. i looked at him, then back at the teacher was talking away.

i sighed lightly. whispering in the softest voice i could possibly muster. "..i-i think i want to come out to jungkook...." i said even questioning myself. jimin looked at me slightly shocked. but he nodded slightly.

"really?" he asked. i nodded. "yes?" i asked questioning myself. i could tell jimin was internally giggling at me. "well are you?" he whispered again. i hesitated.

did i really want to do that? why all of a sudden? "...i dont know..." i said becoming sad and frustrated about this whole thing. why does it have to be so complicated. jimin sighed again. 

"we'll talk later." he whispered before turning his attention back to the teacher. i only nodded silently, going back to thinking. i dont know why all of a sudden im thinking this. i mean, i guess it had to happen at some point. but...


shortly the bell rang, and it was time for lunch. jimin quickly packed his things and i followed, wanting to talk to him before we had to meet up with the others.

we walked out of the class and to the back hall. there is a small storage closet over there, thats always open and relatively clean. usually couples skip class to make out in it, but as it was lunch now, no one would be in it. iv only been in it once when i cried during class last year.

it was something stupid. probably someone teasing me and i took it too seriously. sometimes i hate my sensitive ass.

anyways. we walked in the closet, locking it and turning on the lights. i sighed as i sat on one of the extra chairs they stored in here. jimin following.

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