Halleujah|Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Stephanie's POV:

exclamation 1. God be praised (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing).

A month has gone by. I haven't seen nor talked to a Chicago Blackhawk. I haven't been back either. Even though Jonathan has popped up in the back of my head. Charles has been making me forget about him. Im happy,then im not. But that's how it is everytime right? Things have been great between my mom and I. She loves Charles,she fell in love with him when she came to visit. She's always telling me he is a keeper. I always just reply "Ya" Or "Whatever you say mom" Im very excited to see my mom in Chicago. Im going to a charity event called "Catholic Charities Usa". Charles and I are going together. First is the mass,then banquet. Im in the running for a partnership,which im pretty happy about. Charles and I are at the airport right now. Im pretty nervous,I always am now of flying. My leg was shaking up and down fast. Charles put his hand on my thigh. He whispered"Baby girl,everything is going to be fine,I promise you" I looked at him and kissed him. He brought his hand to my cheek. We pulled away,he reconnected his lips to my head and I leaned back into him waiting for our flight.

Jonathan's POV: (Again,eh?)

This past month has been better. I miss her but im trying to move on. Im starting to date this girl. I don't want to be chasing around a girl who loves someone else. Were getting ready right now to go to a charity she is apart of. "Catholic Charaties Usa" Im pretty excited. Let's just see how it goes.

Stephanie's POV:
We just arrived to the hotel. My mom wanted us to stay but I declined. We needed our own space. I instantly went to the bathroom to take a shower so my stylist wouldn't have a fit. Charles was getting ready with his stylist. I got out and walked out to my stylist. I was excited. I was wearing a 2 piece dress. White crop top,and a blue skirt. I couldn't wait.

I got dressed,makeup was done and now pictures were being taken of us. We were now on our way to the banquet. We got to the venue and started to take pictures.

We finally got to the mass part.


Heavenly Father, I come to your throne of grace for your blessing of this service. Allow your Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of each person in atttendance through this message this morning. Anoint this servant with your power of your Word. Help bring to the pastor's or speaker's remembrance what you would have them to share for your glory and honor, Amen"

I smile and sit down listening to everything. I loved this,this is what I love to do. Listen like old times. Everything was good until my dad came on stage. Now he was in control of everything. I started to breath heavy. I haven't seen him since that night. Charles put's his hand on my thigh. I need fresh air. Thankgoodness im at the end of the pew so im able to slip out. I walk out calmly but once I get out im freaking out. "Steph" I heard Charles call my name. I instantly hug him. "What's wrong" He asks. "Just needed fresh air" Is all I say. I grab his hand and we walk back in. We were able to catch the last prayer,the ending one.

"Thank you Father for your presence at this service. Thank you for your Word. Help us to apply this message and do your will Lord. Guide and direct us in all we do and may we stay in your presence throughout the week.

Lord if there be someone who does not know you may they come to realize who you are and ask you to come into their heart. Forgive us Father, of all of our sins and iniquities. Cleanse us and remold us Lord to be what you would have us to be. In Jesus name we pray, Amen "

I recite every last word of it. Now it's time for the dinner/ambasador's banquet. I smile and Charles and we leave for our table. We both sat down,and saw Jonathan out of all people sit across from us with a blonde. I looked at Charles. He looked at me. I decided to post our picture from earlier. Captioning "Night with hubbie @thecharlesdavis"

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