Goodbye jonathan hello movie|chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Time skip
Grabbing all the bags and walking through the terminal. Finally settling in my seat in first class. I post on Instagram a picture from last night with my girls. With the caption "Ladies night"
*DING* text from Chaun. *DING* text from Elina
Chaun: "hope you have fun in la. Travel well and when you get back a needed lunch." I smile and replied "yes lunch is needed with a little shopping of coarse and Thankyou and will do "
Elina: "I have a pair of an extra pair of nude Loubs and a pair of Valentinos. Would you want them?" She asks. I replied "oh Elina always thinking about fashion aren't you? Ofcoarse I'll take a pair of free shoes #GoldDigger 😂😂"
Now my phone had to be turned off for the time being and for the time being was gonna be taken up by a nap.

Time skip
Waking up on a Plane is not fun at all. Groaning realizing Kris was picking me up. The car was waiting for me. "Hey sweetie" kris says pulling me in for a hug. Even if you don't always like that person you always love that person. That's how I feel about her. But she's just a bitch tbh. For sure once I'm finished with this movie she's so gone.
"Everything is set up at the set. Your house is cleaned and everything. Also there's some flowers from a special someone." She smirked. I nodded and turned on my phone.
TEXT FROM Chaun and Elina
Chaun: "I have 2 extra tickets to game 7 if you wanna go"
I replied "Ya could I bring a friend?" I asked.
Elina: girl you shouldn't be the one talking now should you 😂😏 also when we were in the way home in the limo Jonathan couldn't stop talking about you to the guys. Thank goodness Lindsey didn't hear a thing. She was passed out cold"
I replied "😏 it was probably drunk talking. Your sober thoughts always come through"
I texted Phoebe asking if she wanted game seven ticket and she said yes. I told Chaun that I would gladly take the game 7 tickets off her hands.

Time skip
"Hi I'm danielle" I say shaking his hand.
"I'm sterling" he said shaking back. We smiled and made our way to the reading table. After 2 hours of notes and reading we were done. Thank goodness I was able to go home.
Unlocking the door. Missing the faint "Marc jacobs" perfume still lingering. Smiling once I found te flowers kris was talking about. There was a note "To my lovely best friend. Your dreams are still coming true. Congrats on the movie , love your wingman charles" smelling the flowers. The pure scent of roses. Red of coarse. He knew they were my favorite. Smiling while I put them in my bathroom window. I put all my clothes in the washer and went to make food and tea. I'm god awful tired. I texted Mary,Mandi,Casey and Andi saying how it's there fault for letting me drink this much. They knew just as me that we were all too drunk to notice. They all replied with laughing emojis and insults. Oh how I love them so. I ate and drank and was ready to sleep.
My bed obviously missed me so and misses my weird sleeping habits.

Time skip.
Feeling refreshed at about 9. I've decided to get up. Grabbing my little vintage robe and slipping it on. Opening my belcony doors. What a beautiful day I sighed. Today would be spent on set. Grabbing my script and tea I just freshly made. Heading outside to catch some morning sun.
After awhile I got ready and went over. I was getting non stop texts from someone's or somebody's. Once I got there I looked through my messages. There were half a dozen from Chaun,amanda,elina,mandi.
Chaun: Jonathan is engaged
Chaun: to Lindsey
They all said the same thing. Pain. Pain that I never imagined I could feel, I felt. Jealousy was it. No. It couldn't be. Heartbreak. No. I don't know how I feel. I hit my hands against the steering wheel. "Why" I cried out. Thank goodness my windows were closed. And the car was shut off. I hit my hands again and the honk blared. I broke down. Breaking down was always a scary thing. Once I broke down there was no going back. Not once. Not ever.
*Knock knock*
I looked out my window. Charles. I opened my door and hugged him. Hugged him like I've never invisioned I would.
"Seph.." He said trailing off.
"He's getting married" I say breaking down more.
"You can't be here like this. We need to go" he says putting me in the back seat and driving off.
"But the movie" I say faintly.
"I'll call in for personal matters" he says.
More tears come out. More breaking of the heart. Ways that the heart cannot be fixed. In ways Jonathan can't even fix.
"He's gone. I can't have him. No. I need him back. She can't have him" I kept repeating these until God knows when. "Charles" "I can't breath" I say more tears coming down.
Still remembering the faint sirens. Didn't have to think twice knowing they were for me. Until I assembled into a slumber that couldn't be woken up from.

Time skip
Waking up with white walls around. Beeps from nearby machines. No this can't be happening again. I turned over and Charles was there. "Stephanie" he said in a low voice. I smiled with happy tears. He smiles and kisses my hand that he is holding. "People are here" I nod. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Few days" he said. I nod. "Could I see whoever is out there" he nods and walks out.

Breath in. Breath out.

"Steph..." someone trails off. Looking up its Chaun, Elina, Amanda, Mandi, Keshia and Abby. I smile and wave them in. "How are you feeling?" Abby asks. "I've been better" I say laughing. They laugh too. "he heard" Amanda trailed off. Closing my eyes.
Breath in. Breath out.

"Steph" Chaun trailed off. Reopening my eyes and looked towards where all the girls were looking.
"Steph..." he trails off.
The girls leave.
Looking away not wanting his pity. "Please go" I say not wanting to look. If I do I will fall in love all over again.
"Can we please talk" he asks sitting down.
"You want to talk?! You did not come after me like last time. You took her side. Why after all this time. I mean I don't blame you. Why you would chose her over me. She can give you all your desires and hopes. You two can settle down together. Not me. I Won't be there. She will and always will." I say breaking down again.
"That's what you think" he says.
"Yes because you didn't stop me. You stayed with her. So don't pin this on me" I say crying again. I could tell it was hurting him.
"Please. If you still have any thing for me. You would leave" I say sitting up all the way. I stand up and walk over to him. He stands up. I kiss him. With so much passion and remorse. We pull away. Leaning against eachother. Watching him go. No one can repair what I just lost inside of me.
When the girls came in I fell down. The weight of all this pressure is really starting to get to me.
"Nurse" Abby yells outside. She ended up giving me some sleeping medicine which calmed me then I fell asleep.
A few hours later I woke up. The girls sleeping. Besides chaunette of coarse. "Steph" she says. "Chaun" I smile. She comes over and hug me.
All the girls soon awoke. They say there goodbyes and that we will see eachother at game 7 in Boston.

Smiling seems like a tormenting thing. Three times a day I'm given different medicines. To A. Calm my nerves. B. Lesson my anxiety. C. Deal with my depression. From time to time the nurse and a counselor comes in to talk and check my vitals. Just like old times.

I'm soon to be let go in a few days. In time for game 7.

"Hey" I say.
"Seph.." Charles trailed off.
"I never thanked you for the roses" I say blushing.
"Oh Ya. No problem " He said
"Could you please come pick me up. Kris-" he cut me off.
"Ya I'll be over in 10 minutes I'm in the neiborhood. I thanked him.

Time skip

"Charles" I say running to him. He picks me up and spins me around. Giggling I must say. He puts me down and we hug.
"Ready to go" he asks grabbing my bags. "Yes please" I say laughing.

We ended up driving to my favorite place in l.a.

The beach.

"Race ya" I say smirking. We run towards the harbor. "I got ya" I say laughing out of breath. "Let's take a walk" we both laugh. we talk about what's been happening lately. Everything. "im tired Charles. I said leaning my head on him. he laughed and picked me up and carried me to the car. He dropped me off at my house carrying me to my room he kissed my head and whispered "love you baby girl don't forget that" and he turned the light off and left.

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