New years| chapter 26

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Stephanie's pov:
Song in side. Listen please.

I was released today. Jon is a little crazy. He can't stop smiling and kissing my hand. I was in there for the past couple of days. The team visited. The girls. Chicago and Blackhawks girls. Then the cast decided to come.

"I'm so happy you're here. I cleaned up the place. I got you something. Um ryder is doing great by the way. You sure your ok?" He says while I daze off. "Ya. Just tired" I say smiling. He smiles too and kisses my hand.

" Ryder" I say while he tramples me "I've missed you so much" I say. Jon grabs the bag and brings it to the room. " I'm hungry" I say mumbling. " There's food in the fridge and pantry" he yells. " Did I say that loudly" I ask. " Yes. That was the volume of it" he says walking in and grabbing two water bottles with fruit and peanut butter. My favorite. "You know me so well" I say grabbing a raspberry and popping it in my mouth. " You know me so well. So were even" he says tapping my nose.

We sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. " Really?" I say when the screen lights up with csn. He smiles and turns it too the Kardashians. "Yes" I say looking at the TV.

The clock read 5:45.

" Crap. I have to get ready" I say jumping up and grabbing my phone.
Jonathan taps my butt playfully. "Jonathan" I say shocked. He just laughs.

Straightening my hair was a pain. My makeup is light and natural looking. Knowing jonathan loves it. Grabbing my Gucci black shoes and my Valentino open V cut chest dress. (On side)

" Hey Birdy I hear someone yell.
" Clover" I scream running out in one heal. We both scream.
" Slow down. Your gonna kill yourself." She says laughing. " Everything ok" Jonathan yells. " Were fine. Go get ready. We're gonna be late" u say. "Hey Mandy" Jonathan yells. "Hey jon" she yells back. " Oh my gosh look at this outfit girl" she says spinning me around making me laugh.
Jonathan comes out all ready. He stops once he sees me. " Im gonna get going I'll see you there" she says walking out.

" Steph" he says coming up to me and putting his hands on my waist. " Your being cheeky" I say. He kisses me on the cheek. Then my jaw bone. Then my neck. a soft whimper escapes my throat. He pulls away and smirks. I playfully hit him. He Just Laughs.
" Let's go we'll be late." I say grabbing my phone and my clutch.

" You look beautiful by the way" he says whispering in my ear. "Well that's thankyou kind sir" I say walking out and locking the door. He holds my hand on the way to the car.

Time skip to party

"I WANT CRAZY!!" Jon and I scream.

" I'm gonna be right back" I say he nods and I go to get a drink.

I go up to the bar and Andrew is there.
"What would ya like?" He asks.
"cold blues" I say. He nods. It's blue vodka with some Gin. Weird I know.
"Thankyou" I say. Taking a slow sip.

" Hey there" brandon says coming up. "Hi. Long time no see" I say hugging him. " So how's life" he asks drinking some gin. " Great. Pretty great" I say smiling. He smiles back. Looking out towards the dance floor and spotting jonathan. He's having so much fun and nothing makes me happier. " Sammy" he says. They hug and kiss eachother. About the time after brandon and I broke up. Samy came over one day while the team was over and well. They clicked. " Were gonna go over there. Wanna join?" Sam asks. Shaking my head no "I'm fine I'm gonna get some fresh air" they nod. Walking out to the deck overlooking chicago. The cold air calming my body.

" Hey there pretty girl" jon says coming up behind me and wrapping himself around me. Smiling and leaning back into him. "How are you doing" he asks. "Pretty peachy. You?" I ask. "Pretty good, with you here" he smiles while I stare at him.

"How'd I get so lucky" I say wrapping an arm around his neck kind of curbing my back. Kissing him so passionate. We pull apart and stare at the city in awe. " My mom wants you to come up. During the summer" he says. "Really?" I ask he nods. It's not like I've ever met them. I have plenty of times. They are the family I've always wanted, and the family I want.

"Let's go in" I say grabbing his hand.
Walking over to our friends. "There's the lovebirds" shaw hollers. I giggle, while jonathan rolls his eyes. I see that chaunette hasn't touched a drop of achocol. Also her and Andrew have been very distant. "Hey chaunette. Could you come with me to the bar?" I ask. She nods.

" Are you two ok? " I ask. She shakes her head no. Tears start coming out. I instantly pull her to her closet. Weird I know. Only place people won't come.
"Chaun what's wrong?" I ask. "I'm pregnant. Andrew won't even look at me. I told him yesterday and he got mad and hasn't talked to me since. I get that were not married, but I love him and don't want to do this with anyone else" she says. While I cooe her. "Need me to do anything" I ask. "No I need to tell him to" I cut her off by leaving. Walking over to the group.

"Andrew. Chaunette needs you." He looks irritated. "Now" I say growing impatient. when he walks by I mutter "grow up. In the closet" and he continues.
Sitting next to jon who instantly grabs my hands.
"So when are you two getting hitched?" Sharp asks making everyone laugh. "Only you sharpy. Only you" I say while everyone laughs. "Seariously toes" he says. We still laugh. We kind of shrug our shoulders. "Who knows" I say. I could feel jonathan growing angry. While everyone is engrossed I conversations is whisper to jon "Let's get out of here" we make our way to the balcony again. "Whats wromg" I ask. He leans on the balcony. "Nothing." He says. "I know your not" I say putting a hand on his back. He sighs and says "What he asked. Just just nothing" he said. "If it's nothing. Than its nothing." I could see Andrew and no chaunette coming out to everyone. We walk back in to hear the words "pregnant" all the girls scream and did make there way to chaunette while the guys high five andrew. We all start crying. Well the girls do.

We hear the count down for a minute from saader.
at the last moment jon pulled me outside and whispered "5" "4" "3" "2" "1" and we kissed. A little arch in the back. Just perfect.

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