Imagining| Chapter 7

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Chapter 8:

Jonathan's POV:

(Time Skip:3 months)

Imagining:form a mental image or concept of.

Am I dreaming? Is Stephanie still here? I run to the bedroom everywhere but no one's here besides Patrick. He told me Steph called him. He said she did it out of love. Coach Q gave me time off, for personal reasons. That was 3 months ago. He doesn't want me making a fool of myself,and the drinking was a problem to. "Steph.." I yell. "Steph.." I yell with tears now. "Jon,she's not here" "Im sorry" Partrick kept trying to calm me but I couldn't stop. Nothing is ok,not ever not now. I just wish she would come back. "Steph please" I say with more tears.

Stephanie's POV:
I lay awake thinking he's right next to me. I think he's in the same house,room. Same city. I catch myself trying to call him so many times during the night. Knowing he's playing hockey.

I miss him so much. I catch myself calling to him. I wish he was here. I wish I was there more importantly. Charles is coming over today. Im excited to see my best friend. I need to move on from Jonathan,but how?

"Charles!"I say welcoming him. He hugs me and I can't help but hug back. I miss his presance. We sit down on the couch and start talking about old times. "Hey Charlie" "Ya" He says. "Im sorry I haven't been around lately. Im still adjusting to my new life" I say thinking about life. "Don't worry. You're still my number 1" He says starting to tickle me. I end up falling on the ground. He helps me up. Were both staring at eachother. He puts a strand of hair behind my ear. He slowly moves in and kisses me. I react by kissing him back. I remember kissing him last year in an episode we filmed together. I couldn't get enough of it. It was toxic. At the back of my mind Jonathan's face kept popping up. Also,how he would react. I pulled away blushing. He pulled me in by the waist. "You know i've been waiting to do that since last year" He said whispering in my ear. I smile and look up at him.

"Seph" He says. "Yes" I say giving him my full attention. "Ever since I met you,I have had the time of my life. I wish I could spend every moment with you. Every day of the year. By saying this,will you be my girlfriend." He says looking down at me. I mean I had or proably still having feelings for him,and I need to move on. "Yes"I say leaning in to kiss him. "Let's go do something" He said pulling me outside of my house. Which is now covered in Paperazzi's. I giggle while we run to his car. We hop in and we drive somewhere.

We ended up going to the set of the show. We ran inside and went to the back to watch the sunset/stars. He took a lot of pictures of me. He posted them on instagram and tagged me: @stephaniew "My #1" ( on the side) I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. After awhile we left to go back to his place,because it was closer. Once were in his room,he handed me a pair of shorts and a shirt. I was about to place a foot out the door. "Seph,where are you going?" Charles asked. "The couch" I say looking back and smiling. "What? You don't want to stay with me." He said putting his hands on my waist. I dropped my clothes. I started to unbutton his shirt. He smiled in return. I finally got the last button undone. I flung the shirt off. I laughed. "A little eager are we?" He said causing me to giggle more. He sat down on the bed,me in the middle of his legs. He started to take off my sweater then started to lift up my cami and once he did. He just looked at me up and down,I started to get consicous of myself. I pulled my arms around me. He pulled them back. He pulled me in and kissed me. Long and hard. He moved back and I straddled him and made out with him. He kept whispering things like "Babe"Beautfiul" Things like that. After awhile we stopped. I qucikly took off my jeans and threw them on the ground and put his shirt that he gave me on.

I jumped on the bed and snuggled into his chest. I fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat and warmth. And which I only knew I could with Jonathan. I woke up with immediate longing for my fathers church back in Chicago. I need to go back. No matter what happens. It's my shrine. My sancturary. It's my home. I jolted up right,which caused Charles to wake up. "Sorry" I say running my hands through my hair. "I need to go. I need to leave for awhile to visit." I say getting up and kissing him goodbye. He hit my ass playfully on the way out. "Bye,babe" He said winking. I giggled and got to the airport. I didn't care about clothes at the moment. I got the tickets and waited for the plane.

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