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It's been a few days since the steamy night of the newly married couple , and Jungkook is so confused about why Taehyung has been acting so weird around him.

And Taehyung is extremely confused and frustrated, both mentally and physically. He's going insane over his own husband but in his case it is wrong. He shouldn't be thinking like this right? They agreed upon this right? And scratch that, he's just sexually frustrated because he hasn't had sex for like god knows how long and Jungkook's body isn't helping at all

The younger is so close to masturbating over those curves which , to him seemed like is inviting him to devour it raw.
He can't concentrate over anything, work or home, he keeps fantasizing weird things.

"Juniee!! Come here I said! Don't run"

"I wun drink milk!"

"Junnie- your mumma will kill me if he comes to know that I didn't feed you milk!!"

"Where's mumma?!"

Taehyung cursed under his breath thinking that the child is turning into a mummas boy. He sighed .

"Junnie he's out for some work , he'll come back"

"But where!"
The child pouted and Taehyung leaned down to his height on his knees and smiled

"To meet some important people"
He said and Taejun huffed

"Ok then let mumma come , I'll drink it"

Taehyung rolled his eyes
"I have work okay? Now drink it fast"


"I said dr-"


Taehyung barked out of frustration making the small kid flinch in fear. It's been a lot of time since he shouted at his son. It all changed since Jungkook came in but now as he was off to meet some of his friends since some hours it seems like it all shifted back to its place again

Taejuns bottom lip quivered as his eyes started getting glossy
"Y-you s-hout-ing- a-gain"
The kid said covering his eyes with his little fists

"Aish- Taejun look-"

Without listening to his dad he ran up to his room crying a little

Taehyung sighed cursing and rolled his eyes
"This is just too much.."
He mumbled under his breath keeping the glass down on the wooden table of the kitchen with a slam making some of the milk jump out of the fragile glass and cracked his neck going to his room to finish up some work left


Jungkook came home , and it was almost 11pm and he sighed thinking about today's events. God when college friends unite they do hell a lot of weird things

And Jungkook did too, all of their friends were at a family club , to unite after so many days and chat about their lives until the party got carried away to some extent where Jaehyun was dared to give Jungkook hickeys.

Of course they both refused at first but eventually they had to do it or else Jungkook had to drink again which he refused to

Thinking about everything and scratching the skin on his neck Jungkook went upstairs making his way to his room when he saw that Taehyungs room is still lit

"You're not asleep yet?"
Jungkook asked standing at the doorway of the opened room as he saw Taehyung working sitting on his couch

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