twenty one°

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"Having fun little slut?"

"ng-gh- AH-! T-taehy-ng-- pl- AHH-!"

Jungkook was fully desparate at this point his imagination coming to reality, he never thought this would feel so painful yet so good .

Taehyung was fully out of his mind by now, he couldn't control himself, he was controlling for so long but now the older himself provoked him to do this.

Taehyung smirked to himself a harsh slam of belt against the vulnerable ass chick hit Jungkook and he cried out in pain.
Jungkooks hair was yanked back by strong fist as he looked up to the deal cold eyes with his tear glistened ones

" Taehyung huh? Is that what you call me hyung?"

Jungkook gulped whimpering against the strong gaze and shook his head
"N-no... No- Daddy don't- don't leave- don' Im- I'm needy...Whip me- more if ... You wa-nt"
Jungkook sobbed in need of pleasure. The younger was whipping him merciless with his belt but Jungkook didn't care at the point. He just wanted more of whatever Taehyung gave him.

Taehyungs gaze darkened as he moved his hands from the olders hair to his jaw and ran the thumb of his right hands finger through the olders lips

"Such a desparate slut aren't you now?"
He rasped out but Jungkook whimpered at the harsh tone as he took the thumb inside his mouth sucking on it

"I ..want you"
He pleaded looking up with doe eyes which were unable to resist. He started sucking on the thumb like anything and it drove Taehyung crazy

"Damn look at you... So needy.... And I didn't even do anything"
Jungkook whined yet again wiggling his sore butt in anticipation moving forward to palm Taehyungs already rock hard boner

Taehyung groaned again as Jungkook started sucking on the clothed hard open mouth looking up at him with tear stained eyes

"P-please... I..need fill me up. .  please"
He said sobbing at the point but Taehyung ignored him

He wanted to see how far Jungkook can go for this. But judging from the fact that he is a fertile, he can do anything to have what he craves.

Fertiles are extremely oversensitive due to the fact that the number of Estrogen count in their body is much more than a normal human being. They need to have sex and it has to start at early age. Or else in later The ovary will lose its fertility due to lack of the estrogen hormones.

"Please .... Daddy.. please.. I-I can't- take it .. anymore.. can't .. I need to please .. Y-youre being...Like Jimin-"
That's it

Jungkook overstepped his boundaries

A harsh cuff at his throat made him shiver ad he was thrown against the headboard, and he winced in sudden pain because his whipped back his the hard material.

He looked up to see dead in Taehyungs eyes and he gulped
" What did you fucking say?"
Jungkook gulped

"I-I- no- I-"

"You're such a pathetic piece of useless slut , you are saying that bastards name ? Huh? So should I call him now? To satisfy your needs? And let's see who can satisfy you better?"

Jungkook gulped. Taehyung was getting possesive over him. And that made him smirk with a sudden confidence

"That ... Would have been more fun then... "
He chuckled throwing his head back before looking right in the youngers eyes

"I'm sure....he can fuck me better than you ever can"
Jungkook spat make Taehyungs throat go dry

Taehyung was going to say something but Jungkook interrupted again
"It'll be a lot better to be fucked rough by the love of my life .."

Wrong move.

The hand left his throat Taehyung gulped tears threatening to fall from his cold eyes. And on the other hand Jungkook widened his eyes. He thought if he provokes him more Taehyung would finally give in to fuck him.

Taehyung scoffed and backed away hands almost trembling as he smiled
"Right... Goodnight then hyung , I ain't your love of the life so I better stay away..."
Jungkooks eyes became doubled the size as he went forward and held Taehyungs wrist

"N-no! Wait- Please- I- just said that- I- don't - love H-"

" Stop it hyung. Please. Stop it"
Taehyung said looking back at Jungkooks eyes , with a pained expression and Jungkook inhaled sharply

"Don't...leave me like this... Please ... I .. need you"

Taehyung chuckled dry and shook his head
"Yeah you do.... "

He said and turned around to leave but stopped at the door looking back at Jungkook

" Just for my body...."
He said gulping before slamming the door shut and rushing out.

Jungkook fell back on the bed the streak of desire making his veins go crazy. But Taehyung left him, needy and alone. But his mind wondered his dumb self what made Taehyung leave him.

Was it because he loves Jimin?

"But....I don't love more..."
He whispered to himself panting hard and looking down.

"I-I...need bad.."
He sobbed head in his hands as he hugged himself


Taehyung punched the wall hard again and again wanting to scream out his pain in the heart

"He just wants me for my body "

He hissed in pain as the strong fist collided against the hard Wall again

"To satisfy his fucking desires.."

And again

"H-he just....wants me... He dosent crave me..."

And again

"Agh... "
He fell against the wall covering his face with the bloodied hands

"He just wants you for your body Kim Taehyung... He still loves that bastard"
He sobbed feeling weak in his life for once

His heart hurts so much , it yearned for love, but he can't show it to Jungkook.

".....It hurts Burns here to love you.... because I can't have you back.."


Bhahahahahahahahahahahahaah y'all thought there would be a smut

:( I'm sowwy

But I want you guys to dissolve in the tension;))

Anyways how did you like the chapter???!

And do you want a smut?

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