twenty eight°

16.5K 781 173

"mumma when are we landing!! When when!"
The little one pouted and Jungkook chuckled patting his head
"Just a few minutes, don't worry"
Jungkook said with a smile and Taejun pouted even more munching his snacks looking out of the window

Jungkook sighed looking leaning on his seat sweating heavily
He was feeling extremely flight sick and his stomach was rumbling.

The announcement of landing has been made and Jungkook got up taking out his luggages and Taejun jumped around the seat
"YAYYY! We're meeting daddy now! YAYYY!"
He squealed and Jungkook chuckled at the adorable little one kissing his forehead

"Mhm yes baby, we're here"
He whispered and took his luggage on the back and picked Taejun up as the plane landed and went down slowly


"There you guys are"
Taehyung stood with a big smile out of the airport and hugged them both

Jungkook pecked his cheeks
"How was the meeting?"

"Great! We got the deal"
He chuckled taking Taejun on his arms

"So what are you waiting for let's go! We have a party too in here"
Jungkook nodded tired and rubbed his eyes

"Yes I could use a nap"
He whispered out following Taehyung to his car

Taehyung went up the driver's seat and Jungkook sat beside him with Taejun on his lap

Taehyung took a worried glance over his husband
"Hey...are you okay?"
He asked while starting the car

Jungkook flinched and nodded
"Hm- yeah! I'm completely fine don't worry"
He chuckled and Taehyung nodded a little worried

"It was a long flight guess you need to rest , let's get you to the suite first"

Jungkook nodded and looked out of the window. He began thinking things , cheeks a little tinted. Hope everything goes well for him today.


Taehyung looked at the sleeping figure of Jungkook and kissed his cheeks. Both of them were so tired after the long flight

Taehyung sighed and opened his laptop putting on his glasses.
His phone started ringing and he picked it up

"Kim Taehyung here"

"Mr Kim? This is Emily!"
Taehyung closed his laptop

"Oh hey , Miss Emily , is the party planning going on well?"

"I'm sorry- to bother you sir but , Mr Lee told me to call you if you could come here- he needed to decide work with you"
Taehyung sighed

"Uhm Miss Emily actually-"

"Please sir, if you'd consider this"
He sighed

"Okay Miss Emily, tell Mr say I'll be there in 30minutes"
He sighed and hung up the call

He felt someone crawling over his Lap and flinched a little
"Damn- you scared me"
He chuckled and the sleepy Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck settling over his lap

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