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"I wanna go to a vacation!!!!!"
The six year old cried throwing a tantrum and Jungkook sighed for the nth time petting the kids head

"Junnie ... You know your daddy is busy right? He has a lot of work, we'll go some other time!"

The child looked up and pouted eyes glossy
He said hitting the side of the couch

"Ah- Junnie listen to me-"

"What's the matter?"
Jungkook gulped and turned around slowly not being able to meet his husbands eyes because of last night

"Y-youre up? Could have c-alled me , wait I'm bringing your black coffee"
He said his voice filled with unsurity and worry

Jun ran upto his dad hugging his legs , fake sobbing a little.
Taehyung crouched down and picked the boy up cooing

"What Happened?"
The little kid buried his head on Taehyungs neck as Jungkook gulped

"Jun I said he's b-"

"Daddy I wanna go to vacation"
The kid mumbled and Jungkook mentally facepalmed himself

He's already angry , now he's gonna get that over the little kid

He ran upto then looking at Taehyungs eyes for a bit and patted the kids back

"Cmon get down, I told you he's busy, don't throw tantrums early in the morning, junnie come with me I'll take you to park"


"Junnie your daddy is busy listen to me-"

"Okay, we'll go "

Jungkook widened his eyes and looked up at Taehyung in disbelief

"Well it's been a while since we went somewhere, so yeah we'll go"
Jungkook smiled a little as Taejun started squealing kissing his daddy's face

Taehyung kissed the little ones forehead
"Mhm... Now come on , get down and go to your room pick out the things you want to take"

Taehyung said kneeling down and keeping the kid down as he jumped thanking his daddy again and again before rushing to his room. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who was smiling looking at his kid.

"You look really good when you smile"
He said honestly making Taehyung come out of his trance.
The younger looked back at Jungkook his aura getting cold again. Jungkook frowned

Taehyung rolled his eyes and turned around walking towards his room again. Jungkook ran behind him

"Yah! I was talking to you!!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes yet again and was going to enter the room when Jungkook came and stood in front of him blocking the room

"What is wrong with you? Move"
He said casually

"First of all you are ignoring me, second I am not moving until you're talking to me"

"What are you? 5 year old?"

Jungkook got offended
"What?! I'm older that you - you jerk- AHH!"
Before he could say anything he was picked up by the latter on his shoulder . Taehyung opened the door and got in putting Jungkook down outside again

"Huff- I was scared for a sec-"
And the door slammed in front of his face

Jungkook blinked a couple of times , coming to realise what just happened

"WHAT THE FUCK! open the door!!!!! At least tell me where we're going ! What if I pack wrong things ?!! Yahh!"

Jungkook whined groaning under his breath and rushing to his room , completely hopeless

On the other hand Taehyung sat down on the bed rubbing his temples chuckling a little
"....this guy..."
He laughed imagining Jungkooks face when he was picked up but then again got out of his thoughts remembering about last night

He sighed
"I'm trying to stay away....but he's making it difficult for me.."

He gulped his spit getting up a from his bed going to the balcony and taking a cigarette out of his pocket and the lighter with it

"It's been three months since I met him... And since then I find it difficult keeping my composure around him"

He lit up the cigarette taking it between his lips and sucking in the smoke and then blowing it away

I will marry you, but don't expect anything from me

He sighed leaning on the railing of the balcony eyes closed sucking in more smoke so that it could lighten up his mind a little

"This is so hard for me...."
He mumbled under his breath talking to himself

"Feel like I'm drowning in somewhere"
He scoffed opening his eyes blowing the smoke away

"Someone said it right.."
He said looking at the cigarette

" Love's poisonous "


Hello hello hellooooo

Sorry for the short chapter but my dad's home and he's gonna make fun of me if he sees I'm writing this :")

But this chapter what somewhat a conclusion and you all wanted this confession didn't you :")

See you in the next chapter buh-bye ❤️

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