twenty three°

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"Please - t-tae- I- just- I need you you know that?"
Jungkook blurted out between kisses sitting over Taehyungs chest and moving slowly making Taehyung groan, but he didn't let a response out

Jungkook whined and pouted pulling away looking at his husband's cold eyes still not getting any reply
"Mhh-! Pl-ease Taehyung"
He whimpered running his hands up and down the youngers chest

Taehyungs pupils dialated. Oh how much he wants this. How much he wants to bend the older over and fuck him till he sees stars. But he couldn't give in. His mind messing with him.

On the other hand Jungkook groaned and attacked Taehyungs neck , sucking on the raw skin a little too harsh making Taehyung hiss

"Sh-shit hyung stop"
Taehyung said trying to push the later away but Jungkook wasn't having any of it right now. His mind filled with complete intoxication and Taehyung was afraid that if he started he wouldn't be able to stop.

"No, I won't stop "
Jungkook replied, innocent trailing his voice as I looked up at Taehyung sucking on the laters chest and giggling a little

Taehyung groaned and held Jungkooks hair back flipping them over so he was hovering over him
"You're so fuckin desperate"
He snickered and Jungkook let out a moan

"Ah- "
He licked his lips and looked at Taehyung with glossy eyes

"Please Taehyung? I want you to claim me- what is wrong? Is it just because I'm not attractive enough?"
Taehyungs eyes softened as I sighed groaning under his breath

He pulled away
"No hyung- you are not understanding, I can't do this, not right nowi need time"
He huffed messaging his temples but Jungkook pulled him again to his chest caressing the youngers cheek, pouting

"Just tell me you don't want to do it with me"
He said and looked away and Taehyung couldn't help but let out a chuckle

"You're childish"
He said shaking his head and Jungkook pouted even more glaring at him cutely

"Fine , you don't have to - uhm do it with me , I'll be fine with my stuff alone"
He pushed Taehyung away who landed on the edge of the bed and rushed off the bed his mood sour

Taehyung rushed up and held his wrist stopping him

"What now!!"
Jungkook turned around irritated only to see Taehyung holding both of his hands kneeling down

He blinked


"Go on a date with me?"
Jungkook gasped looking down at Taehyung and gulped

"I wanna start this from the very first , please , let's find each other out more"
Jungkook cracked into a beautiful smile and nodded pulling him up and kissing his cheeks

"Yes... I will go on a date with you , Mister Kim"
Jungkook said looking up at Taehyung who chuckled and kissed his forehead

"Okay, we're going out today evening okay? "
Jungkook almost squealed getting out of his grip

He started jumping around to go out of the room but he was yanked back and slammed into the doorframe

Jungkook hissed and looked up to be met with a playful grin and gulped

"What.. is it"
He asked furrowing his brows and Taehyung leaned down kissing his earlobe

"If everything goes well.."
He husked out caressing the olders waist

"I'd ... Give you what you want , hyung"
Jungkook felt his heart froze almost wanting to jump out of his chest as his eyes widened

Taehyung gave him a mischievous grin before slowly opening the door and getting out of the room making Jungkook said pant for air

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