twenty five°

16.9K 836 315

The faint sound of the halter moniter was the only thing what was being heard through the whole silence filled hospital room.

Taehyung was standing by the balcony looking outside the window , Yoongi and hoseok were sitting beside the bed looking at the pale figure of Jungkook and his bandaged head and arm, the three of them waiting for the unconscious boy to wake up

It's five a day since Jungkook is in the hospital and especially Taehyung feels like it's all his fault. He could have not let him go or this wouldn't have happened

The three of them broke out of their trance hearing a soft hum and widened their eyes

"Doctor! He's- awake!"
Yoongi called out while Taehyung rushed to his side to look at the petite figure flapping his eye leases slowly his brows furrowed

"I- mh-"

Taehyung sighed trying not to hug the life out of him and softly held the other arm which wasn't injured

"It's fine, youre fine now"
He whispered out and Jungkooks eyes got teary as he slowly got up and hugged the later

"T-Taehyung...I'm so..sorry"
He whispered out and Taehyung kissed his forehead

"Don't , don't talk about this and lay down you need rest"

"Yes little guy...please lay down you need rest you're still a little shaken up"

A man who was much older came wearing his lab coat smiling a little. Taehyung moved away from the boy as Doctor Kim came to check him

Jungkook looked down quietly sobbing
"I naive..."
He whispered out and the doctor softly patted his head

"You've learnt your lesson... At least you have this angel of a husband and your friends who saved you before something major could happen"

Jungkook nodded looking down fat tears coming out of his eyes

"Hyung - stop crying please"
Taehyung complained sitting by his side

"B-but I g-ot you all worri-ed I- didn't lis-ten to you- it's all- my fault"

Taehyung took a shaky breath and pulled the older up into a warm hug
"Screw everything, you're safe now, it's a just a head and arm injury it'll heal in time , I'll take care of you"
He softly spoke as Jungkook felt like he was drowning in guilt

What did I do to deserve him? He protected me from that monster of a person, who tortured me to hell , he took care of me and now he isn't even complaining... Do I really deserve him?

These were the thoughts running around his mind while he allowed himself to be grasped into the warm embrace of his husband.

Doctor Kim smiled
"There you go, I said you've got an angel of a husband, your report is here now , and you don't have any internal bleeding just sore muscles Because you were tied up, and your wounds are going to heal any time soon , as long as you take care of yourself, don't take extra pressure and take rest. And I've listed the medicines and don't worry okay. They are all cheap"
He smiled brightly laughing out making the four of them laugh a little

Taehyung pulled away from the hug pecking the olders forehead and stood up
"Thank you Doctor Kim, I can't convey my gratitude to you with my words"

The doctor laughed out
"Come on, it's my duty, and please call me Jin, doctor Kim sounds so old"
He said patting the youngers shoulder and Taehyung smiled a little

"Okay then , Jin "

On the other hand Yoongi and Hoseok rushed to Jungkooks side to comfort him
"Are you okay hyung? Fuck that's a stupid question, I mean- how do you feel?"

Yoongi cursed under his breath for asking stupid question but Jungkook smiled and shook his head
"It's okay...i feel less miserable now"
He sighed looking down fiddling with his fingers

Both of them hugged him softly
"Don't be sad... It's okay "
Hoseok said and Jungkook pulled away looking at Taehyung who was talking with the doctor

"H-he deserves better..."
He whispered out and looked away making yoongi gasp as he stood up

Taehyung and Jin went out because Jun said he has something to discuss with him about Jungkook

"Okay listen up here, I'm having enough of y'alls bullshit okay?! Ya just need to calm down and stop being so 'Omygod I'm so miserable no one would accept me hashtag weeping on the floor star star star!" What the fuck is wrong with y'all? There so say you don't deserve him and that man is just head over heels for you he'd do anything to see you fucking smile and here you're fucking regretting each and every life decision just because of that bastard of a brother who is gon rot in jail for some quality time ! For god's sake ya need to have sex and make babies already!!"

.....oooh someone lashed out

Hoseok and Jungkook blinked at the raging Yoongi who was panting Because of ranting out so much


"okay okay baby calm down there there, I'm here "
Hoseok cooed and hugged yoongi who just scoffed pouting while Jungkook broke out into giggles

"O-Oh- my GOD-- I ne-ver heard you speak- so much in - my entire- 10 years"
He giggled out and Yoongi and hoseok smiled shaking there head

"So now you gon stay guilty or do something?"
Jungkook smiled

"I think I'm ready to show him how much he means to me...."


"Okay ... So what did you want to talk about?"
Taehyung asked confused and Jin sighed leaning into the wall of the balcony taking off his glasses

"So Mister Kim... Your Husband has no internal injury and nothing to worry about but ... "

Taehyung got curious

"He's a fertile isn't he?"
Taehyung sighed and nodded

"Yeah ... Well...haha"

"And as much as I have examined he has complications on his uterus"

Taehyung furrowed his brows
"...w-hat kind of complications?"

"Well don't mind me talking about this openly but I don't think he has had sex yet. And well a fertiles hormones are much more active than anyone else's , and if he dosent received the completion of feeling oneness then he might start developing a tumor over his uterus wall"

Taehyung widened his eyes in realisation because why Jungkook is so needy all the time
"So... I suggest you have your sexual intercourse and might as well- uhm try to conceive him with a child Because the egg cells of his embryo are creating a mess"

Taehyung sighed rubbing his forehead
"...o-okay okay , I'll try to talk it out with him"

"And well if you can say I can provide you with him medicine for that, but even if you are not ready for a child now he needs to have sex"

Jin said smiling a little and Taehyung groaned under his breath

"Okay Jin...thank you for telling me this "




ugh ... I'm sorry guys it's just I'm so stuck between everything I couldn't seem to update. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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