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Taehyung was surrounded by a small group of people , curious about what he's doing here

And he hates crowd

His son was looking up at everyone with big eyes, and Taehyung was talking with everyone with a big fake smile on his face
trying not to lose his very short headed temper

Jungkook spotted him with furrows brows and called out

"Mr Kim ?"

Taehyung looked up at the familiar voice and he swore his breath hitched

His jaw dropped a little as cliché as it sounds

Beautiful? This man is ethereal

Jungkook tilted his head with a confused gaze trying to figure out what the younger was thinking but suddenly two small hands wrapped around his legs again

Jungkook and Taehyung 's eyes widened both coming out of their trance while some people gasped

Jungkook looked down and immediately picked up the small kid into his arms cracking up into a smile

"Hello there little one-"

"You know daddy told me to call you mumma!!"
Jungkook looked at Taehyung as he gulpec a little coming forward

"U-uhm- no! I did- not do such inconvenience if you may believe me, He's- a little mischief mak-"

Jungkook started giggling at his behaviour,
for the first time in all of their meeting he saw the younger so flustered

"It's okay Mr Kim, no need to worry "
Jungkook said still giggling and Taejun started giggling with him while Taehyung glared at his son

"Hyungggg the ceremony 's star- oh Mr Kim!! I see you've met hyung now- please join us to the ceremony- my brother said he wanted to talk with you"

Taehyung turned around and saw a short guy he presumed Jimins brother

Jungkook nodded smiling and turned to Taehyung
"Please Join us, if you wanted to talk about something we can after the ceremony right?"

Taehyung has ever seen this beautiful man in his life

He slowly nodded , awkwardly smiling and his son clapped
"Yay! Lets goooo!"
Jungkook nodded at the younger before going to the ceremony, behind Yoongi , Taehyung following him


Jungkook was happy, though a few years were escaping his eyes seeing Jimin slip the ring into Rosé's ring finger but he couldn't just control it

Taehyung was looking at Jungkook the whole time , and he didn't like him crying one bit

Taejun started rubbing off the tears with his small hands
"Mumma .... Don't cry "
Jungkook chuckled softly pecking his forehead

"He will be the best mom of my son....Taejun is happy..."

Taehyung didn't want anything more than to see him happy , and he decided that he'll accept Jimins offer

"Hello everyone! I am very happy to be very happy to finally be with a official relationship with my one and only true love, but I have something else to announce"
Everybody turned their heads towards Jimin

"Jeon Jungkook, as you may have known , my ex-husband had done everything he could for me, he did everything to make me happy , but I couldn't, and When Rose came back he is the one who signed the divorce papers all at once , just to see me happy..... it'd- be a shame if I didn't do anything for him right?"

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