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As soon as Taehyung heard that Jungkook was crying he rushed out to him , and picked him in his car

Taehyung took the older to his house , and took him to his room, Jungkook still not saying anything

"Hyung can you - please tell me what happened?"

Jungkook was shaking a little, hugging himself, he wasn't even wearing anything else that a ligh tee and some shorts

Taehyung looked at him
"I'm glad that he called me, anyone could have taken advantage of hid stage"

Taehyung sighed and covered the older with some blankets and offered him some coffee

Jungkook slowly sipped on hid coffee as Taehyung sat beside him
"Now can you please tell me what happened?"

"I- am sorry- to bother you"
He said his voice shaking and Taehyung sighed taking the olders hand in his

"How am I supposed to help you if you don't tell me your problem"

Jungkook yanked his hands away finishing off his coffee and keeping it on the table

"You don't have to! N-nobody has to help me"
Taehyung has never seen him in this much fear

He was just fine a few hours ago , but what happened suddenly?

Jungkook covered himself with blanket feeling weak and vulnerable, the seen still playing on his mind

"Hyung please tell me"
Taehyung begged him and Jungkook turned to face the younger

"W-ill you- hurt me too?"
He asked out of fear tears threatening to fall and Taehyung sighed and cupped the olders cheek

"I won't , I may be rude but that's the last thing I'd do , trust me  please"

Hearing these words Jungkook broke down

He crashed the younger into a hug , burying his face in his chest and sobbed
"J-imin- hyung- he-"
Hearing his name for the nth time of the day Taehyungs blood boiled

"What did he do?"
Jungkook looked up still crying and seeing his face Taehyungs softened a little

He guided his thumb over to Jungkooks face and rubbed off his tears
"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me just- stop crying, I don't like seeing you cry"
He said flustered

Jungkook rubbed his eyes and removed the blanket off his upper body revealing his marked neck

Taehyung narrowed his eyes and it widened in realisation

"Oh hell  no"


After telling Taehyung everything , Jungkook was a little relieved

And Taehyung was furious
"That bastard will pay for it"

Jungkook was still on his chest crying a little while holding Taehyung, not letting him go , finding comfort in his arms

On the other hand Taehyung was thinking about a solution, to get Jungkook Outta there

He started getting up but noticed Jungkook staring up at him with big eyes

"Uhm- Hyung- I think you should take res-"

"Can't you stay?"
He heard a soft voice and his face reddened a little

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