twenty six°

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"You need to rest"

"Daddy is right! Mumma rest!"
Jungkook chuckled and nodded smiling at the two and hugged Taejun

"I missed you"
He whispered out patting his back and the little one gave him a kiss in the cheek
"I missed you too!! Where did you go! Daddy says you have upset stomach , you take rest"
Jungkook smiled down at the kid and nodded

"Mhm , I will rest"

It's been some days Jungkook is back at home and the father-son duo isn't letting him do any of the work. Though he is a lot better than before , his wounds are almost healed ,Taehyung took a break from office to handle is himself

"Mumma you know I painted!"
Jungkook grinned brightly
"Oh? You did?? Show me!"
He said excited and Taejun squealed
He giggled while running away

Jungkook chuckled and looked up at Taehyung who was already looking at him and raised a brow
"You find me fascinating in this state Mr Kim?"
He asked out and Taehyung blinked looking away

"No no- I was just watching the interaction between a lost mother and a child haha- I should go you take r-"
He was pulled in the bed with a grip on his wrist

"Oh come here"
Jungkook whispered before leaning down and attaching their lips into a kiss. Taehyung was stunned for a moment but eventually kissed back softly caressing the olders cheeks.

Jungkook smiled and pulled away biting his bottom lip looking at Taehyung who gulped awkwardly
"U-uhm what was that?"
Jungkook chuckled hugging him tight
"Your lips are addictive?"
He said pecking his lips again and Taehyung swore to god he would turn into a strawberry any moment

"....okay "
He scratched his head looking anywhere but Jungkooks face

Jungkook sighed and cupped Taehyungs cheeks making him look down at him
"You're still mad at me aren't you?"

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head
"Haha no , I'm - I'm not mad"
He said and again looked away

Jungkook got uo on his knees and sat over his lap kissing his cheek, nose and forehead
"Okay seriously- what's wrong with you suddenly - I'm not your Jimin hyu-"
Taehyung stopped himself from saying any further and looked down at the older's frowned expression

"I- am sorry I didn't mean to Uhm-"
Jungkook hugged him again
"There you go I know you're still mad at me"
He whispered out pouting a little and Taehyung huffed

"Okay , I will be honest, I'm very jealous of the fact that you cannot forget him no matter- whatever I try to do , call me selfish but I-I don't know , I get jealous"
Jungkook smiled and looked up caressing his cheek

"Not anymore... That bastard can go rot in hell for all I care for , I won't show any care for him "
he said softly

Taehyung looked down at him with a blank expression. He wanted to believe all of that. He wanted to believe that they can finally live in peace now. But he couldn't. After so much he found difficulty in believing those words.

"Look, Taehyung I know you don't believe and you should not , it's hard to believe such words coming from my mouth, but let me prove it to you?"
He whispered out looking at Taehyungs eyes and Taehyung smiled and nodded holding that hand which was over his cheek and kissed it
"Okay, prove it to me"
He whispered out looking at Jungkook who just leaned in and attached their lips again slanting his head to make it deeper.
Taehyung smiled and kissed back softly holding his waist kissing him back

"But if you do prove me now"
He whispered between kissed and pulled away attaching their foreheads looking down at his lips again
"There's no going back"
He husked out looking at Jungkooks doe eyes who licked his lips

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