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After talking with the guests and Rosé , Jimin rushed to his room to talk to Jungkook

"Jungkook? Jungkookie- "
He saw the younger sitting in the corner of the room looking out of the window

The sight broke his heart

He went and kneeled in front of the way who seemed too deep in thoughts and unaware of his presence

Jungkook flinched when he heard taht and rubbed his hand from the back his hand

"Huh? Oh- "
When he saw Jimin he quickly looked away
and the older sighed

"I know you're mad at me, but listen to me please"

"What is there to listen?"

"Look Jungkook -"

"Can't you leave me alone ? Rosé will feel alone go to her"


"Please hyung I don't feel good and I'm not up for excuses anymore"

" Baby please"
Jungkook finally looked at Jimin , his eyes filling up with tears

" Why are you doing this?"
He whispered out breaking into sobs

"Why ? Why hyung, you know I love you, why do you- keep showing me a way, when there's no hope left now"
He started crying and Jimin hugged him

"Im so sorry, I should have talked to you about this , I'm - But I wanna see you happy"

Jungkook pulled away
" I don't wanna marry anyone else hyung...I can- just go away if you want but-"

Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks and ran circles over his red cheeks

"Taehyung is a good man Jungkook, I know he's very short tempered- but he is a good man, he never ever received love in his life , he lost his parents in a young age, he built his life all by himself, and the hardships of life made him cold and rude towards people even his own son, think about that little kid Jungkookie, he deserves all the love in his life"

Jungkook looked at the man with awe, he's so kind and caring , that makes him wanna fall deeper but knowing that he can't breaks his heart more

He didn't even mind Taehyungs insult one bit. The thing that hurt him was that Jimin didn't even bother to ask him what he wants

Jungkook sighed

"Okay hyung... I'll - marry him "
Jimin smiled and hugged him again

"That's my don't cry baby I don't like seeing you cry"

Jungkook just stayed still , not hugging him back
"You confuse me hyung, so much"


So that's how Jungkook ended up in Taehyungs mansion, a few days later, in his bedroom , the kid sitting in the bed looking back and forth between the two figures fighting constantly about which flavoured Milk tastes better

Strawberry or Banana?

Jimin sent Jungkook to Taehyungs mansion to spend time with him and make things better between them, the clear the misunderstandings

Sure they did clear their Misunderstandings, Taehyung even apologized properly for losing his temper the other day

But here they are , again.

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