twenty two°

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"mumma daddy! Play with meee!"
The little boy whined around the living room early in the morning sensing some weird tension between the olders

"Jun.... I gotta make c-coffee you know?"
A very worried Jungkook spoke out eyeing the cold faced Taehyung who was on the couch on his stomach , never sparing a glance at the older

"But Mumma! Daddy said he don't want coffee right daddy?"
Jun flashed his puppy eyes to Taehyung and the older gave his son a ruffle on his hair

"Yeah....not in the mood"
He said his face turning cold again

Jungkook sighed looking down with a teary pout. He didn't love Jimin jo more, or maybe he did, but he dosent have that attachment towards the older anymore. Not after what he did with him.

But Taehyung? Jungkook wonders.. His mind filled with Taehyungs thoughts, it's not only lust , it can't be , Jungkook surely is attracted towards his husband, whatever he said last night was from immense impatience of wanting his husband, of feelings him though every viens of his own body. Jungkook definitely wanted to apologise

"Daddy....please.... Why are you so mean? Look momma wants you to play"
Jun said flashing the glossy eyes again and very unexpectedly Taehyung let out a bitter laugh

"He does? "
That made Jungkooks heart break a little

Of course he wants this little family to play together, he does , and now he's not going to deny it

"I do, Taehyung"
He said confident meeting the youngers eyes a tension filled in between them

"See?! Now please! Please play please daddy, pleaseee!"
Jun whined in stubbornness

Taehyung sighed. He gave up. After all he promised to himself that he would be a good dad , he has to fullfil his duties.

"Okay Champ what d you wanna play?"
He said getting up from the couch and taking the little one in his arms

"Really?! You'd play?!"

"Don't make me change my decision"
Taehyung said kissing the boys forehead

"EEEEK! okie! Let's play hide and seek! I hide you find YAYYY!"

Both of the olders widened there eyes as Jun jumped out of their lap and went somewhere around the room to hide

"J- wait-! Jun!"
Taehyung sighed and groaned

Whereas Jungkook was playing with his fingers trying to initiate a conversation

Good work Jun... Thank you
He said in his mind . Visibly shaking due to an unknown fear

"Now I gotta find- what are you standing here for? He'll me find him"
He flinched at the rough tone of the younger and gulped not being able to say anything. Taehyung was beyond confused of what is happening so he let out a frustrated sigh and got up
"Fine , I'll find him alone"
I snapped through gritted teeth and as he was going to get out of the very room a tug on his shirt stopped him

Taehyung blinked. Turned around. Looked down. Met with a beautiful pair of doe eyes staring up at him with the most innocent expression one could ever make. As much as Taehyung wanted to drown himself in them he backed away

He asked , his tone bitter


"Look I am not up for your shits so please let me go, I have a son to"
He said turning around to leave but Jungkook was quick enough to slam the door shut and holding it

"I- I have to talk to you"
He whispered out , still scared

"I said move! I dunno where Jun is and you-"

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