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Jungkook woke up wrapped in bedsheets feeling a little hungry

He opened his eyes groaning because of the hunger and got up rubbing his eyes

He yawned and looked down on himself to see a sweater wrapped around him and also he's in the bed

"Did Jimin..."

The thought of it made his heart go crazy

He can imagine Jimin picking him up , covering him up with a sweater just so he dosent freeze and keep him on the bed carefully

What a beautiful thought to start the day with

He got up did his morning routine, showered wore clean clothes and went downstairs

"Look who's finally here"
Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes so that no one could see him

"So you finally Decided to wake up? Jimin left waiting for you here"

"It's 7 in the morning mom.."

He said and ignored his in law's making his way into the kitchen

"Heyooooo whattup"

Jungkook chuckled
"Nothing much dear brother , just the usual"

He said looking at his brother in law with a smile, who walked upto him and sat over the kitchen counter

"You know you need to stop working this much"

Jungkook chuckled settling the water down on the oven and started cutting the veges

"And how am I supposed to do that? If I stop working for a day the whole family will die from their own imagination of me keeping them hungry for a day"

Yoongi chuckled loudly
"Aish , you know you know? Those old brats need to-"

"Hey! They are your parents"

"Yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah wtv"

Jungkook was always glad to have a brother in law like this, because he always supported him no matter what

"So.....aren't you gonna go to college to meet your boyfriend?"

Yoongi gasped

"Oh c'mon , it's not like I don't see your pictures online, and we'll he's handsome, you two look good together"

Yoongi was trying to hide the blush but failed miserably as he hit Jungkook playfully

"You make it sound like I only go to college to see him"

"Hmmm, maybe it's true , who knows?'

Yoongi gasped and jumped down the counter

"Y'all are mean! Bye ! Hmph"

Jungkook chuckled at the youngers cuteness and shook his head

He served his family the breakfast and went to do the laundry, then went up to the terrace to hang the clothes in there for drying , came back downstairs and saw the dishes on the table and sighed immediately picking them up and went to the kitchen immediately washing them off, went to each and everyones room cleaning the bedsheets and changing it again coming back to wash them off

Did he eat? No

He's used to it

He was changing his clothes when he heard the doorbell


He yelled and immediately changed his clothes speeding up his way to the main door

Usually this time Jimin comes home for lunch so he opened it with a big smile on his face

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