
16.9K 900 215

The day before Jimin and Rosé s engagement was hectic

Jungkook has given up on Jimin, it's useless anyway

But Jimin was getting closer to Jungkook, their friendship as jimon would call it was getting stronger

They were out to buy the rings for engagement and Jungkook decided to give the couple some time alone, he left the store and stood out

It's nearly noon time

Jungkook was sweating a little

"But daddyyyy I want ice cream!!!!"

"And I told you that you'll catch a cold!"

Jungkook furrowed his brows when he heard some familiar voices

He walked some distance to see Kim Taehyung and his kid standing a little farther from the ice cream parlour , Taehyung trying to get the kid home but he's stubborn

Jungkook blinked a couple of times looking at the pair and that's when the kid noticed him

"Daddy look look!!! It's the good uncle from that dayyy!"
And before Taehyung could process anything the kid ran away towards Jungkook hugging his feet

Taehyung opened his sunglasses tugging it in his shirt as he sighed
"I'm sorry Mr Jeon, this kid can bring trouble sometimes"

He said as Jungkook looked down towards the doe eyes of the kid before kneeling down in front of him
"Huh? Is that it little one? Why are you not listening to your daddy?"

"Because- he won't buy me ice creammm!"
Jungkook chuckled

"Then what if I buy you one?"

The kids eyes lit up
"Really?! Can I choose the flavors?!"

"Of course!!!! Go choose , and I'll buy you "

The kid nodded before running away to the parlour
"Mr Jeon- why you-"

Jungkook got up
"C'mon , let the kid do whatever he wants, just give him some warm water when he finishes the ice cream , he won't catch a cold then"

Taehyung blinked and nodded

Jungkook was admiring the little one as he started choosing the flavors
"What is his name?'

Jungkook looked at Taehyung

"I'm sorry to say but where is his mother?"

Taehyung chuckled slightly looking down
"She died after giving birth to him"

Jungkook gasped
"Oh my god- I'm sorry that was a personal question- I didn't mean to-"

"No no - it's fine it's fine- it's just we should control ourselves before we turn legally adult , or - we might have to face difficulties , like Taejun is facing right now, and I'm too- that's why I lose my temper - in sorry for the last day"

Jungkook smiled at the mans sincerity
"No need, at least you love him, that's what matters"

The younger chuckled and nodded
"Yeah that's right Mr Jeon-"

"Jungkook, call me Jungkook it's weird to hear Mister everytime"

"Okay....but I think your older than me"
Jungkook blinked and raised his brows

"Oh- is that so?"

"Yeah I'm 24"
Jungkook Chuckled

"Then you should call me hyung "

Before Taehyung could say anything Taejun ran upto them

"I want vanilla and chocolate mixed!!!"
Jungkook crouched down and picked the kid up

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