thirty° (final)

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"mhhhh- ah- ah- c-calm- d-down- fuck- mh-"
Jungkook groaned against Taehyungs mouth as he was held up against the window trying to silence his moans

Taehyung kissed him again hungrily not wanting to let him our of his grip. He thrusted his fingers more into him and Jungkook threw his head back his mouth agape

"F-Uck-- ah- S-shit- Tae-jun- is in n-next r-oom!!"
Jungkook moaned out and Taehyung smirked kissing all over his neck

"Shhh...that's why I want- you to be quiet love"
He chuckled kissing the younger collarbone and Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully

If Taehyung is going to play it that way , he will too.

After hearing about Jungkooks pregnancy, Taehyung didn't even hear anything else. He went home, as Jungkook put Taejun to sleep, next thing he knew he was on their room held up against a window

Jungkook began grinding on Taehyungs crotch making the younger growl out a moan.
Taehyung glared at Jungkook who giggled lowly
"Mhmh-ah- gh- t-two- can play the g-ame"
Jungkook moaned out and Taehyung almost lost it

"I won't even give you a chance to even scream out"
He said pulling his fingers out

"Mhhh- i-i-s- that- it- huh?"
Jungkook said with a challenging glare looking at Taehyung in the eyes

Taehyung scoffed
"Watch me"


Taehyung blinked his eyes open groaning when he didn't find anybody against him. He opened his eyes completely to see the sun shining bright almost giving him an headache

"Ow- gah....hyung....?"
He scratched his head trying to find Jungkook but he was no where. Taehyung got up confused.

Where is Jungkook now so early in the morning. Taehyung was even surprised Jungkook can walk after he ruined that virgin ass for five rounds last night.

"Daddy you're awake!!!"
Taejuns voice chimed in and Taehyung immediately covered his lower parts with the duvet.

Taejun rolled his eyes. He freakin rolled his eyes.
"I know you doing woo woo again , R I P to my sleep"
He huffed and Taehyungs eyes widened

"From where are you learning all these things!!!"
He said in Disbelief trying to find his pants

Taehyung huffed and went to the chair throwing the pants to Taehyung
"You're acting like your mumma"
Taehyung grumbled making Taejun giggle

"Heheheheh~ mumma made breakfast come eat eat!"
He said running out of the room

"Hey- where is he-"
Taejun was out of his sight

Taehyung sighed putting on his pants and walked to the washroom to get freshed


Taehyung got out of the room to the dining room to see Taejun munching on some honey coated waffles. He took a seat beside him looking at Taejun

"Hey...where is Jungkook"
He asked and took a bite of the waffles too

"He- told me not to tell you!!"
Taejun said smiling mischievously

Taehyung furrowed his brows
"Okay , what the hell are you two planning. Spill"

"Noooooo~ first eattt~"
The later sighed and nodded eating fast already

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